Small Mistakes That Can Make Plants At Home Wither

JAKARTA - During the pandemic, many people try new things to get rid of boredom while at home. One of them is farming. Starting from growing plants for kitchen spices to expensive ornamental plants, it is now a trend in itself among the community.

Ornamental plants can cost up to millions of rupiah. Of course we will feel sad when the plant wilts when we take good care of it. Be Careful! It could be that the plant wilted due to too frequent watering. Too much water can cause the roots to stagnate and then rot.

If it's already like this, there are tips that can be a first aid so that the plants do not die. Reporting from various sources, instead of removing the plant from the pot, it is better to wrap the bottom of the pot with a dry towel and leave it overnight.

This is so that excess water in the pot can come out and absorb into the towel. For this reason, the towel needs to be tightened so that the water absorption process is easier.

In addition, wilted plants can be caused by factors of temperature, climate, mixture of planting media, and the position of the plant is placed. For that, we need to know the type of plant needs that we care for. The most important thing is to maintain the humidity according to the needs of the plant.