4 Former KPK Leaders Explain Rules And Code Of Ethics To Komnas HAM

JAKARTA - Four former leaders of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) were questioned by the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM).

The former leader who was present offline was Mochammad Jasin. Meanwhile Abraham Samad, Saut Situmorang, and Bambang Widjojanto attended online.

This request for information relates to the investigation carried out on the reports of representatives of 75 employees who were declared not to have passed the National Insight Test (TWK). The reason is that the process of carrying out the test as a condition for the transfer of employment status to the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is suspected of violating human rights.

After giving a statement, the former Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission for the period 2007-2011 Mochammad Jasin admitted that a number of things were explored, including the values of the KPK. The entire value is regulated in regulations and a code of ethics that becomes a reference for carrying out duties at the KPK.

"In carrying out this task, SOPs are also made. This is one thing, we have conveyed everything," Jasin told reporters at the Komnas HAM Office, Jalan Latuharhary, Central Jakarta, Friday, June 18.

Jasin also said that former leaders were questioned about the collegial collective system at the KPK. Where, this attitude is carried out in the decision-making process at the KPK by carrying out deliberation or voting.

"Then matters related to the independence of the Corruption Eradication Commission, such as what the regulations are in the law as well as the rules that we must obey, relating to the UN convention against corruption. Everything has been explained to Komnas HAM," he said.

Jasin also said the work process at the KPK was also questioned by a team from Komnas HAM. Including dismissal if violating the code of ethics and code of conduct.

"If he violates the code of ethics and he does not perform his duties, those are points that can be done, such as dismissal," he explained.

"So the dismissal has a background and there must be an audit. At the KPK there is an internal supervisor, if it violates the code of ethics what is the evidence for violating it, if it can't achieve its performance, what is the evidence. If he violates the law, then there are things that are explored or explored what violations law carried out by KPK employees," he added.

The investigation was carried out after Komnas HAM previously questioned KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron on Thursday, June 17. During the examination, there were a number of things that were conveyed regarding the implementation of the TWK including the legal basis.

At that time, he explained about the implementation of TWK to the inauguration of their employees as ASN based on Perkom Number 1 of 2020.

Not only that, Ghufron stated that the implementation of the TWK was in collaboration with the State Civil Service Agency (BKN). This is also based on the regulations of the commission he mentioned.

"Based on Perkom Number 1 of 2021 article 5 paragraph 4 that the implementation of the national insight test is carried out by the KPK in collaboration with the BKN, that is the basis for its implementation," he said after being questioned, Thursday, June 17.

Ghufron then detailed that the TWK was carried out in March 2021 until he was finally appointed as ASN on June 1, 2021. A total of 1,271 KPK employees have been appointed while 75 KPK employees have not been appointed because they do not meet the TWK requirements.

"So we explained to Komnas HAM regarding legal standing, the legal basis of authority, then regulatory policies, and the implementation of the transfer of KPK employees to ASN which was carried out on June 1, 2021," he said.