North Barito Brothers Kill Their Own Grandmother, Have Escaped And Arrested In East Kalimantan

JAKARTA - The brothers, namely Hajeryanor alias Jery (32) and Reviyani alias Revi (24) residents of Jalan Inpres RT 03, Jingah Village, Teweh Baru District, North Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan, who fled after killing his own grandmother, Hj Kamariah ( 60), was arrested by the police in the Damai District, West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan. "Currently the two perpetrators have been detained at the North Barito Police Headquarters along with a number of evidences of the murder case," said North Barito (Barut) Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Dodo Hendro Hendro Kusuma via Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP M Tommy Palayukan in Muara Teweh, Friday, June 18. The two brothers were arrested on Friday, June 18 at around 03.30 WITA by members of the Buser Unit of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the North Barito Police along with members of the Buser Unit of the West Kutai Police and members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Kutai Police. Teweh Timur Police in a house located in Camp Tanaiq, Besiq Village, Damai District, West Kutai. To the police, suspect Jery admitted that he committed the murder. God for the victims of Hj. Kamariah on Wednesday (9/6) at 16.00 WIB at the social rubber plantation, because he was always accused of stealing rubber belonging to the victim and did not get more attention from the victim than the other victims' grandchildren. North, after the police received information that there were residents who saw Jery and Revi along with Jery's wife and children riding a truck towards Benangin Village, East Teweh District, North Barito. asked to be delivered to Simpang Lampanang, the road leading to West Kutai, East Kalimantan. "After a chase, the four people were found in a house in Camp Tanaiq, Damai District, West Kutai," explained Kasat. women in the Social rubber plantation RT V Trinsing Street, Teweh Baru District, after it was discovered that the victim was H j Kamariah on Wednesday (9/6) at 16.00 WIB. In the morning at 06.00 WIB the victim was escorted by the victim's grandson to the RT V Social rubber plantation to tap rubber, then around 11.00 WIB the victim's grandson picked up the victim on the side of the road to the rubber plantation because of the victim's daily habit was picked up at that time of the day. Then after the victim's grandson waited for the victim for a long time but the victim did not come out of the garden, the victim's grandson came home and informed Didi (the victim's son) that after waiting for the victim, no one came out of the garden.

After hearing the news, Didi and other family members looked for the victim to the Social rubber plantation and after a search at around 16.00 WIB the victim was found lying beside a rubber tree and was no longer alive. When the victim was found, the gold earrings worn by the victim were no longer attached to the rubber tree. The victim's ear and the victim's cellphone were missing, then when the victim was brought to the victim's house on Jalan Inpres RT. 03 Jingah Village, the family saw that the victim's room was in a mess. Knowing the irregularity, the family reported the incident to the North Barito Police. Currently the evidence is the victim's clothes, pants and shoes as well as a machete belonging to the victim, a chisel (a rubber tapping tool) and the victim's sling bag has been secured by the police. It is known that the suspect is a recidivist of the crime of theft in the jurisdiction of the North Barito Police. "The two suspects are charged with Article 340 Jo 365 Jo 338 of the Criminal Code," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit.