Welcoming Persebaya's Birthday, Chant Song For Pride Will Echo At 10 Surabaya Traffic Lights

SURABAYA - Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi said his party would play the Song For Pride chant at various traffic light locations in Surabaya. This is a special gift and a happy birthday, to Persebaya and Bonek (persebaya supporters) on Friday, 18 June.

"God willing, Persebaya's song, Song For Pride will appear at various traffic lights in Surabaya starting Friday, right on Persebaya's birthday, and it's a good day," said Eri, in Surabaya, Thursday, June 17.

Mayor Eri Cahyadi also hopes that with the enthusiasm of the Suroboyo arek, the Bonek still remember that Surabaya has the play Persebaya. He hopes that Persebaya will always collaborate with his Bonek.

"Because Persebaya can't walk alone and can't grow without the Bonek," he said.

Therefore, on Persebaya's 94th anniversary, Eri Cahyadi also hopes that in the future there will be a great collaboration between Bonek and Persebaya.

"And we (Surabaya City Government), give the spirit to issue and play the song at various traffic lights in Surabaya," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Surabaya Transportation Service, Irvan Wahyudrajat, said that the Song For Pride screening will be played at traffic light points with loudspeakers installed. There are 10 locations that will play the Bonek pride song, namely at PCTL Gemblongan, PCTL Genteng Kali, and PCTL Front Hotel Simpang.

Then, there were also PCTL Tunjungan, PCTL Tunjungan, PCTL Panglima Sudirman, PCTL Taman Bungkul, PCTL Basuki Rahmat in front of Gramedia, TL Penggirian Ampel, and also at TL Mayangkara.

"So, right on Persebaya's birthday on June 18, the song Song For Pride will echo in 10 locations," said Irvan.