Beautify The Outside Walls Of The House With Vines, Here's The List

JAKARTA - A comfortable and well-organized house is certainly everyone's dream. But when arranging a house, sometimes some people only focus on the area in the house or the interior. Even though the exterior is no less important because it also affects the appearance of your home.

Well, one easy way to beautify the exterior of the house is to place vines on the outer walls of the house. In addition to beautifying, applying vines also has other benefits, namely giving the impression of a cool and beautiful home even though the weather is hot.

Then what are the vines that can be applied to the outer walls of your home. Here's the summary for you.

Red Betel

Red betel is better known as an herbal plant that has properties for the body. However, its creeping nature and green leaf color with a red tinge make red betel a suitable plant to beautify the walls of your home. To care for red betel is not complicated, you only need to water twice a day and give fertilizer once a week.

Lee Kwan Yew

Lee Kwan Yew is a type of vine that grows hanging down. Recently, this plant with the Latin name Vernonia elliptica has become increasingly popular because it is often used to decorate the walls of offices and cafes. Maintenance is also relatively easy because it is resistant in all weather. Just water regularly at least once a day and fertilize. Furthermore, if the plant is too long, you can do the pruning to make it more presentable.


You may be familiar with this one plant. Dollars are quite popular as vines that cover the walls. This plant has small oval leaves with a pointed tip and bright green color. Dollars are easy to grow on walls because of their strong root grip. This plant is also easy to care for. Just do regular watering and cut the stems of plants that propagate to other areas.

Betel Ivory

Not only beautiful when placed in a pot. Ivory betel can also be a vine to decorate your residential walls. This plant has green leaves with a bright yellow tinge to pale. Caring for this plant is not difficult. Place the ivory betel in an area with sufficient light, water and fertilize regularly. In addition, because of its dangling nature, occasionally cut the plant to make it more regular.

Morning Glory

One more vines that you can apply to the walls of the house. Unlike the vines above, morning glories are flowering vines. Morning glories are usually purple, but actually this plant has many color variants. To plant it, place the morning glory in a pot and provide sufficient light, water, and fertilizer. When it's tall enough, move the plant near a wall and provide a path for it to propagate up.