Without Gono Gini's Treasure, Larissa Chou Leaves Alvin Faiz To Start A New Life

JAKARTA - The son of the late Ustaz Arifin Ilham, Alvin Faiz, was officially divorced from Larissa Chou by the panel of judges at the Cibinong Religious Court, Bogor, Wednesday, June 16. Having become a hot topic on social media, Larissa said she was relieved after her divorce suit was granted by the panel of judges.

In addition to the divorce petition, the Panel of Judges granted the request for Child Custody submitted by Larissa. Although custody of the child fell to her, Larissa did not restrict Alvin Faiz from meeting the baby.

"No (there is a limit on Alvin meeting children), it can be anytime, there is no limit", said Larissa, quoted from the Seleb Oncam News YouTube channel. As a father, Alvin is obliged to provide for their children according to the judge's decision. But for the nominal, Larissa reluctant to mention.

In her lawsuit, Larissa Chou did not demand any such property, so there was no decision regarding the distribution of joint property at the time of marriage.

Being a widow, Larissa plans to move house to Bandung, West Java, with her baby. Larissa has already obtained approval from Alvin Faiz about this.

Bandung is expected to be a new and good start for Larissa. "Yes, this is the beginning of a new life, a new beginning. Hopefully, it will be the best life lesson for me and Alvin", said Larissa Chou.