This Is The Protocol For The Return Of Indonesian Citizens And The Arrival Of Foreigners In The Middle Of The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) issued a circular regarding the protocol for handling Indonesian citizens' return and arrival of foreigners from abroad. This is to anticipate the spread of COVID-19 from people who have just arrived at the entrance to countries and regions that implement Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB).

In Circular Number HK.02.01 / Menkes / 313/2020 concerning Health Protocols for the Handling of the Return of Indonesian Citizens and Arrivals of Foreign Citizens from Abroad at State Entrance and Areas in this PSBB Situation, there are several procedures that are regulated for Indonesian passport holders when they are in entrance to airports, seaports, or state border crossings (PLBDN).

"In addition, this is to accommodate foreigners who meet the exemption provisions as regulated by the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 11 of 2020 concerning the Temporary Prohibition of Foreigners from Entering the Republic of Indonesia," said the National Task Force as quoted in his written statement, Friday, May 15.

The Task Force explained that Indonesian citizens from abroad who arrive at the entrance to the country are required to follow the health quarantine procedures and additional examinations that apply in Indonesia.

"There are several steps that are carried out during the medical examination, such as interviews and examinations through rapid tests or polymerase chain reaction (PCR)," the letter said.

Meanwhile, regarding the documents that must be completed, every Indonesian citizen returning from abroad must provide himself with a health certificate in English. This letter, is valid for a maximum of seven days from the date of issue by health facilities from the country of origin.

Furthermore, this letter will be validated by doctors from the Port Health Office (KKP) at the port, airport, and PLBDN.

"Those who show negative letters on the certificate continue to carry out additional health checks. If no disease or risk factors are found in the health check, the KKP officers issue a health permit and health alert card (HAC) to the individual concerned," explained the Task Force in his statement.

Once done at the entrance to the country, if citizens want to continue their journey to their home area, they are required to bring a passport letter from the local COVID-19 Task Force.

For people who have just arrived from abroad, the Task Force also recommends that they carry out independent isolation for 14 days to prevent the possibility of becoming asymptomatic (OTG) and carry out other health protocols.

These communities also have to submit the health permits they receive from the KKP to the local RT and RW. Furthermore, the RT and RW will report to the puskesmas so that people who have just returned from abroad receive monitoring during the independent isolation period.

Meanwhile, for people who return to Indonesia but do not carry a health certificate, KKP will carry out medical examinations such as a rapid test or testing using the PCR method.

While waiting for this examination process, residents will be placed in a quarantine place that has been prepared and if the result is positive, the Indonesian citizen is then referred to an emergency hospital or a referral hospital.