The Trade Minister Prepares Health Protocols For Shopping In Traditional And Modern Markets

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) has prepared a health protocol for people who will shop for the needs of Eid Al-Fitr or Lebaran, both in traditional and modern markets. This is done to reduce the risk of contracting the corona virus or COVID-19 in the market area.

Minister of Trade Agus Suparmanto said that all traditional markets and modern retail will be guaranteed to be free of COVID-19. This is confirmed by means of a rapid test and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of all market elements. This health test will be facilitated by the local government. However, unfortunately it is not detailed how many medical devices are prepared in each market.

Not only that, Agus explained, during transactions, traders and buyers are also required to maintain a distance, wear masks and gloves.

"Then the entrance gate must use the fence boundary to control the number of visitors and a maximum visitor capacity of 30 percent of the normal capacity at 2.5 hours intervals," he said, in a video conference with reporters, Thursday, May 15.

Prepare Medical Personnel and Security Officers

Agus said, in order to support the government's steps to stop the spread of COVID-19, later in shopping centers medical personnel with adequate medical equipment will be prepared. Meanwhile, in order to anticipate things that are not desirable and to monitor the physical contact of sellers and buyers, security officers will be provided in the market area on guard.

According to Agus, the shopping space arrangement will maximize open space by utilizing the available parking space. The distance to the traders' stalls will also be regulated.

"We continue to implement physical distancing with a distance of 1.5 meters between traders and give warnings to traders who do not comply with the protocol," he explained.

Not only that, Agus explained, to reduce the potential for virus transmission to banknotes, all modern retail visitors are prohibited from making transactions using cash. However, this prohibition does not apply to traditional markets.

On the other hand, Agus suggested, that people meet their needs by shopping online so they don't have to leave home.

"In accordance with the government's appeal to carry out activities from home, people are asked to do digital trade through WhatsApp, online motorcycle taxis and e-commerce," he said.