A Female Prisoner Is Being Treated At Sanglah Hospital Because Of Being Drunk With Mixed Disinfectant

DENPASAR - A female inmate out of 21 inmates at the Class II-A Women's Prison, Denpasar, is still being treated at Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Bali. One person is being treated for drunken disinfectant.

"Patients who have been poisoned have mostly been outpatients. Currently, there is only one patient who is still being treated in an inpatient room", said Head of the Emergency Installation (IGD) Sanglah Central General Hospital (RSUP), Denpasar, Bali, dr I Made Mulyawan, Monday, June 14.

The condition of the female prisoner being treated is stable. In addition, the level of depression in patients who were drunk with mixed disinfectants varied, which had a psychological impact.

"It varies, the level of depression that causes this problem. Some are psychological and feel uncomfortable and so on. Some are quite severe which need to be handled comprehensively with other fields or diseases", he said.

Meanwhile, patients who are still being treated will have their kidneys checked. Because the poisoning of mixed disinfectants causes kidney problems.

"And causing impaired kidney function is the difference so, it still needs to be monitored", he said.

A total of 21 correctional inmates (WBP) in the Class IIA Women's Prison, Denpasar, are being treated at Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Bali. They get drunk by consuming the disinfectant mixed with fruit juice. One prisoner died.

From the prisoner's confession, it was known that someone had brought disinfectant plus fruit juice. These drinks were distributed to residents of 3 prison blocks.

"There are three blocks, they said it was on Tuesday, Wednesday and the reaction was Thursday morning. We were surprised what this was. Because one person died, they finally reported that no one was still enjoying themselves inside", said the head of the Women's Prison Class II-A, Denpasar, Lili, Friday, June 11.