Ex-boss Extortionist With Threatening Mode To Spread Porn Videos Arrested Di

MATARAM - Police arrested an alleged extortionist with the initials MA (25) with the mode of threatening to spread pornographic videos of the victim in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mataram Police, Kompol Kadek Adi Budi Astawa, said the victim in this case was a former boss with the initials AR.

"So this perpetrator blackmailed his former boss with a pornographic video that had been 'copy' on his former boss' laptop," said Commissioner Kadek Adi, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 10.

Perpetrators access pornographic videos of his former boss while still working. At that time he borrowed his boss' laptop or laptop to edit videos.

"On that occasion, the perpetrator took a video to threaten the victim," he said.

The porn video also became the mode of the perpetrator from Dompu taking revenge by blackmailing the victim.

"The perpetrator asked the victim to hand over Rp21 million in cash. If not, the pornographic video will be distributed, so there is a threat," continued Kompol Kadek Adi.

Due to the threat, the victim also sent money to an account belonging to MA. At that time, the victim only sent Rp. 1.5 million to the perpetrator.

The perpetrators, who continued to collect the remaining money, finally made the victim report the case to the Mataram Police.

"We secured the perpetrators while they were near the mall. When we caught them, the perpetrators tried to fight back and run away," he said.

The perpetrator was secured with evidence of receipt of money from the victim and also a video that had not been distributed.

As a result of his actions, MA, who is now behind bars at the Mataram Police Headquarters, has been named a suspect under the suspicion of Article 368 of the Criminal Code and 371 of the Criminal Code.

"So we suspect a case of extortion with a threat of nine years in prison," said Kadek Adi.