Happy Social Media Day, Yes Including Us Introverts

JAKARTA - Every June 10, Indonesia commemorates Social Media Day. Social Media Day was first commemorated in 2015, with an entrepreneur who owns the Frontier Group, Handi Irawan D, as the initiator.

Handi is also known as the person who initiated the Indonesian Marketing Day and National Customer Day. Launching the Frontier website, the purpose of holding Social Media Day is to warn of wise behavior in using social media, whether in creating or sharing content.

In addition, Social Media Day aims to educate netizens in Indonesia. Through Social Media Day, users and businesses make positive use of social media.

Using social media in a good way is very easy. Users only need to share valid, inspiring news and invites to live a better life.

Photo illustration (Dole777/Unsplash)

It can be started by inviting that good attitude to family members, friends, communities and also customers. In addition, social media users upload inspirational words and reflective stories on their various social media.

Meanwhile, World Social Media Day is celebrated on June 30, 2016 which was initiated by Mashable. World Social Media Day is celebrated to recognize the impact of social media on global communication and unite the world to celebrate it.

Everyone uses social media every day. That's how we connect with people around the world in a simple and fast way.

Mashable is known for using social media to connect different cultures, movements and fandoms. Therefore they wanted a day to celebrate. People use the hashtag #SMDay every year.

The development of social media from time to time
Photo illustration (Annie Spratt/Unsplash)

The first social media platform launched was Sixdegrees in 1997. Founded by Andrew Weinreich, the website allows users to create lists of friends and family members and has features such as profiles, bulletin boards, and school affiliations.

At its peak, Sixdegrees had more than a million users but was eventually shut down in 2001. The first modern social media platform was Friendster in 2002.

This website allows people to make new friends safely. Friendster has more than one hundred million users, most of whom are in Asia.

LinkedIn, the first business-focused social media platform was launched in 2003. MySpace was launched in 2004, the same year as Facebook.

At first, MySpace was more successful than Facebook. As of 2006 MySpace is the largest social media platform in the world, with users liking custom profiles that also allow them to post their music.

Illustration (Twitter/@myspacetom)

YouTube launched its website dedicated to videos in 2005. And Twitter with a limited character platform in 2006.

Both are growing in popularity. So does Facebook. Instagram then appeared in 2010 and experienced rapid growth.

Instagram gained over a million users in its first few months. With Instagram challenging their dominance, Facebook bought the platform for $1 billion in 2012.

Facebook also bought the encrypted messaging platform WhatsApp in 2014. One of the platforms Facebook failed to buy was Snapchat.

Snapchat, which became popular because of its stories feature launched in 2011 and reportedly turned down a $3 billion offer from Facebook in 2013. The latest addition to the list of social media heavyweights is TikTok.

The app was launched in 2016 and is very popular due to its extensive music and video editing features.

Social media for introverts
Illustration (Visuals/Unsplash)

If the use of social media is taken seriously then social media can help build each person's personal brand and authority while reaching a wider potential audience. But it also requires social media users to spend time and energy.

For an introvert, those efforts can be very draining. Citing the journal Differences in Communication Intensity Through Social Networks between Extroverted and Introverted Personality Types in Adolescents by Komang Sri Widiantari and Yohanes Kartika Herdiyanto, social network users with introverted personalities do not easily express and express everything they feel through social media.

This is due to the introverted personality type who tends to have a closed nature, is less expressive, and tends to think deeply before deciding to take an action. But that doesn't mean an introvert can't really use social media.

An introvert can still consume content regularly, just like an extrovert. But if you want to upload content, make sure to share photos, videos or cool posts that followers like to help build connection and commonality.

Citing Forbes, another tip for introverts is to upload what is comfortable to share. You don't have to spend your whole life on social media.

Just share where followers can get to know the human side of the user. Humanizing yourself through social media will help build genuine relationships with followers and make them trust the account owner more.