DKI Tests Face-to-Face School Phase 2 Tomorrow, Hasn't Followed Jokowi's Directions

JAKARTA - Starting tomorrow, the DKI Provincial Government will hold a trial of face-to-face learning (PTM) in stage 2 schools. The Head of Public Relations of the DKI Education Agency, Taga Radja Gah, said that the learning mechanism that will be carried out has not followed the direction of President Joko Widodo.

"We have to use what has been determined. We haven't adopted what the President directs. Use what is already there," said Taga when contacted, Tuesday, June 8.

It is known that Jokowi asked face-to-face learning activities (PTM) in schools to be carried out carefully. Jokowi wants the capacity of students to study in schools to a maximum of 25 percent. Then, in one week PTM is only held for two days.

Meanwhile, in the PTM trial at 83 schools conducted in the first phase of DKI some time ago, PTM was conducted three days a week with a student capacity of 50 percent.

Monday, PTM for grades 4 SD, 7 SMP, and 10 SMA. Next Wednesday for grade 5 elementary, 8 junior high, and 11 high school students, and Friday for grade 6 elementary, 9 junior high, and 12 high school. Then, next Wednesday for grades 5 SD, 8 SMP, and 11 SMA, and Friday for grades 6 SD, 9 SMP, and 12 SMA.

However, Taga admitted that he did not know how many schools would hold a PTM trial the next day. Given, there is an assessment stage that determines whether the school is ready or not in holding face-to-face learning.

Currently, Taga is still waiting for a decree issued by the Head of the DKI Education Office, Nahdiana. "For the final, we are waiting for the Head of Education Decree. So, I can't announce it yet," he concluded.

It is known, the trial period of the school was carried out for three weeks. Previously, there were 300 schools that took part in the PTM trial assessment and the results were not yet known. Meanwhile, the first phase of PTM trials was conducted in 83 schools.