The Man Who Killed Honorary Teachers In Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan Arrested, Allegedly Having Same-Sex Love Relationships

BANJARMASIN - Joint police personnel arrested the perpetrator of the murder of a temporary teacher. It is suspected that the murder was motivated by jealousy related to same-sex love relationships.

Banjarbaru Police Chief AKBP Doni Hadi Santoso through the Head of Public Relations Subdivision AKP Tajuddin Noor said a joint team arrested WS in Kandangan, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency, South Kalimantan, this morning.

"At the time of the arrest, the police confiscated evidence in the form of sharp weapons and a number of items belonging to the victim," said Tajuddin, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 8.

The victim whose life was killed by the suspect is known to have the initials MA (29) with the status of a contract teacher at a high school, Lampihong District, HST Regency. There is also the victim's residence in Banjarbaru.

The victim's residence and the scene of the incident are located in Gang Purnawirawan, Komet Village, North Banjarbaru District. The victim was killed on Monday night June 7 with a stab wound to the neck.

The discovery of the victim's body in the boarding house had shocked local residents. After receiving the report, the police immediately moved to look for the perpetrator, leading to the suspect who was also a close friend of the victim.

A number of valuable items, such as the victim's cell phone and personal car, were taken away by the suspect to Kandangan City, HSS, before being arrested by a joint team.

"The suspect's provisional confession is that the murder was carried out alone by stabbing the victim's neck who was sleeping. However, investigators are still investigating the suspect's motive for killing the victim," said Tajuddin.

The two are suspected of being involved in a same-sex relationship. The motive of the perpetrator who had the heart to kill the victim's life was because he was jealous of the attitude of the victim who liked another man.

"About the motive of the perpetrator, killing the victim out of jealousy related to the alleged same-sex love relationship, is still being investigated by investigators. For more details, just wait for the press conference held on Thursday (10/6)," said Tajuddin.

The suspect's actions are subject to Article 338 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 365 of the Criminal Code, namely the crime of murder and/or theft with violence.