Kayumanis Health Center In Bogor Closed Because 11 Health Workers Were Exposed To COVID-19

BOGOR - The Bogor City Government, West Java closed the service of the Kayumanis Village Health Center, Tanah Sareal District for five days. The closure was carried out after 11 health workers at health care facilities tested positive for COVID-19.

Deputy Mayor of Bogor Dedie A. Rachim said 10 health workers were positive for COVID-19 because they were suspected of contracting it from a health worker during dental treatment at the puskesmas.

"The health center was closed for five days, sterilized and sprayed with disinfectant," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 8.

He said one health worker suspected of transmitting COVID-19 to his friends had undergone treatment at the hospital, while 10 health workers who had contracted COVID-19 had been evacuated to the Bogor City COVID-19 Isolation Center at BPKP Ciawi.

Dedie said the chronology of the occurrence of COVID-19 transmission at the Kayumanis Village Health Center, started with a dental health worker with the initials K, who served with four friends at the puskesmas on Wednesday, June 2.

On Thursday, June 3, K complained of not feeling well. At that time, an "office boy" (OB) at the puskesmas also felt a fever and after a laboratory examination, the result was positive, he was declared as having typhoid symptoms. The patient registration officer at the puskesmas also felt unwell.

Based on this incident, a search was carried out and a PCR swab test was carried out on 10 employees of the Kayumanis Health Center on Saturday, June 4. As a result, 10 people tested positive for COVID-19.

"Previously, the employee with the initials K had undergone a PCR swab test with positive results, so that a total of 11 people were positive for COVID-19," said Dedie.

Bogor Mayor Bima Arya said the health workers at the Kayumanis Health Center had undergone the first stage of vaccination in January.

"The incident at the Kayumanis Health Center is an example that vaccination does not guarantee that we are immune to COVID-19, if we do not always try to implement health protocols," he said.

Bima Arya reminded the public to always apply strict health protocols, even though they have been vaccinated, and to always be aware of the possibility of contracting COVID-19.