Ridwan Kamil Suggests Saudi Arabian Government Re-lobby Regarding Hajj Terkait

BANDUNG - The Governor of West Java (Jabar) M Ridwan Kamil or Kang Emil proposed that the central government renegotiate with the Government of Saudi Arabia regarding the cancellation of the departure for the pilgrimage in 2021.

"If there is still time and opportunity, I ask the central government to try lobbying again. Why? Because I believe the Saudi government is a friend of the Indonesian nation. As long as we can ensure the health protocols, are selected, have been vaccinated, tested PCR and others, I think we can That's the percentage that is dispatched, not zero at all," said Kang Emil in Bandung, quoted by Antara, Monday, May 7.

Kang Emil believes that the Saudi Arabian government still provides opportunities for Indonesian pilgrims to leave for the Holy Land and as long as the Indonesian government can guarantee the health protocols of the pilgrims.

"Hopefully this diplomatic effort can still be pursued before it is really final that Saudi Arabia refuses, but I pray that hope is still open," he said.

Kang Emil was saddened by the cancellation of the hajj, especially since he had planned to become a pilgrim two years ago.

"And personally I'm very sad because this is the second time we can't perform Hajj, let alone Umrah. Especially since last year I have been preparing to become Amirul of West Java," said Kang Emil.

Therefore, he asked the pilgrims who failed to go for Hajj to remain tolerant and patient.

"I hope those who are ready according to their quota must be sincere and patient because after all, qodarullah is like this," he said.

Previously, the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) decided to cancel the departure of Hajj pilgrims in 1442 Hijri or 2021, said Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

"Determining the cancellation of the departure of pilgrims for the Hajj pilgrimage in 1442 Hijri or 2021 AD for Indonesian citizens who use the Indonesian Hajj quota and other Hajj quotas," said Yaqut.