Police Intervene To Investigate The Sex Party Of Caucasians And Local Women At A Villa Bali

DENPASAR - The Bali Police said two foreign nationals and a local woman who took part in making pornographic videos at a Bali villa were still being investigated.

"We are still investigating but until now we don't know his identity. If the name can be made up, the identity of the owner of our name doesn't know what an account is, what an ID card or other identity is. We don't know yet and we haven't met on that name", said Head of Sub-Directorate of Cybercrime Ditreskrimsus Bali Police, AKBP I Gusti Ayu Putu Suinaci, Monday, June 7.

Meanwhile, two German Caucasians named Kevin and Celine who was involved in orgy content have returned to their country

"But what is clear is the result of yesterday's coordination with Immigration, we participated in the field investigation together then the Immigration records, as well as the two people in the video, have returned. Then, we don't know the real names of these two people, so we don't (recorded) in the Immigration records", he added.

Meanwhile, the identity of the local woman who took part in the video is not yet known. The police confirmed that the distribution of videos containing sex was prohibited.

"In some countries, it's okay to make videos, but if it's a problem in Indonesia, it's distributed", said Suinaci.

Previously, the Deputy Governor of Bali, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati or Cok Ace, responded to the viral content of a sex party at the villa that was carried out by 4 Caucasians.

Cok Ace said the content had a negative impact. Therefore the Caucasians involved who were still in Bali were asked to be arrested.

"Problems like that have a negative impact on tourism and that always happens. We can only provide a deterrent effect if we can catch the person so that it doesn't happen again in the community", said Cok Ace in Denpasar, Bali, Friday, June 4.

The Bali Provincial Government continued, Cok Ace will socialize more massively about the rules for tourists in Bali.

"Everywhere it happens like that. (We) provide explanations for prohibitions. Actually, it happens everywhere, and (coincidentally) it is caught", he said.

He appealed to foreigners who vacationed in Bali to respect the ethics and customs of Bali, including obeying the rules.

"Obey to the ethics that we hold in Bali," said Cok Ace.

Previously, the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Bali, Jamaruli Manihuruk said two of the four foreign nationals who made video content of sex parties had left Bali.