Chinese Construction Company Cooperate With Waskita, Erick Thohir: We Strengthen With Various Parties

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Erick Thohir, welcomed the collaboration between State-Owned Enterprise PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk and Chinese State-Owned Enterprises of construction, Communications Construction Company Co Ltd (International) or CCCC.

Erick said that the construction sector must continue to run, not only to strengthen domestic connectivity, but as one of the economic activities that will help Indonesia grow during and post-pandemic.

"In any case, we must be able to get out of the crisis caused by the pandemic and continue to strengthen cooperation with various parties," said Erick Thohir in a written statement received in Jakarta, as quoted from Antara, Monday, June 7.

Waskita and CCCC have signed a master agreement in the context of forming a strategic alliance for the development of transportation infrastructure and other industries in Indonesia.

Through this agreement, Waskita and CCCC are committed to creating synergies with the principles of mutual benefit, efficiency, effectiveness, and professionalism.

The cooperation between the two companies includes the development of transportation infrastructure and other industries such as the Kayu Agung-Palembang-Betung Toll Road project, the Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road, the Cikampek-Plumpang fuel distribution pipeline, and the revetment of Bali's Benoa Port.

Waskita President Director Destiawan Soewardjono said this collaboration was one of the company's strategies to create positive business growth potential after the COVID-19 vaccine.

"The construction and infrastructure sector is one of the vital sectors to encourage national economic growth," he said.

"Through synergies with large infrastructure developers such as CCCC, the benefits will not only provide added value for the two companies, but also bring benefits to the country and society," he continued.

In line with the spirit of the Ministry of SOEs to build strong partnerships between SOEs and the private sector, Destiawan explained that he would explore more opportunities for infrastructure development that could be synergized with foreign partners such as CCCC and other strategic partners.

For information, CCCC is a Chinese state-owned enterprise engaged in investment, design, construction, and transportation infrastructure. As of December 31, 2020, it was recorded that CCCC had assets with a total value of US$ 204 billion.

The signing ceremony was held on Sunday, Waskita was represented by Destiawan, while CCCC was represented by Yun Liang as Executive Director.

The event was also witnessed by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir, and Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara.