Effendi Simbolon: The Puan-Anies Couple Is Not The Origin Of The Sound

JAKARTA - Senior PDIP politician Effendi Simbolon emphasized that he will continue to support the Chair of the DPR and PDIP DPP Chairperson Puan Maharani as a presidential candidate in 2024, paired with the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, as a vice presidential candidate.

According to him, the emergence of the proposed pair of the two figures is not just nonsense.

"How about pairing Mbak Puan with Mas Anies, yes, it's not asbun (original sound, ed). That's something we studied from the journey of the existence of one large group, namely the nationalist group," said Effendi in a discussion on the results of the Indonesian Political Parameter survey, Saturday, June 5 .

According to him, the Puan-Anies pair is an amalgamation of two major nationalist and religious groups. Of course, he said, it would be extraordinary if they were combined and matched together.

"So far, in the last period, we have been face to face. As a politician, we should have brought together those in the religious pool and the nationalist pool for the sake of the Indonesian people," explained Effendi.

"That's why I personally encourage Ms. Puan-Anies as a presidential candidate," continued the member of Commission I of the DPR.

Asking why Puan had to remain as a presidential candidate instead of a vice presidential candidate, Effendi said that PDIP was the party with the highest number of votes. Even in the latest survey of Indonesian Political Parameters, the banteng party was ranked first with an achievement of 22.1 percent.

"The number 22, even in various surveys, is 24 to 26 percent, so when we become the number two, we become vice presidential candidates. It gives the impression that we are not confident in competing, why are political people in power? When we are in power, we will implement programs for the benefit of the people. people," he explained

"So I personally propose the pair of Mbak Puan as presidential candidates and Mas Anies. But how are these combined, let's take this a challenge," he added.

Effendi believes that there will be nothing new if Puan is paired with Prabowo Subianto in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Moreover, the general chairman of the Gerindra Party has already been nominated as a vice presidential candidate to accompany the PDIP Ketum Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"Do we still have to push, which incidentally is that it becomes a weakness for the opponent, the opponent will definitely be happy," he said.

Effendi thinks that the union of Puan and Anies will re-knit the opposite phenomenon in the last election. Where, there is a grouping of 'tadpoles' and 'kampret'.

"In quotation marks for nationalist and religious reconciliation so that in the future we will be at peace in 2024, there is nothing more to be confused with, it's a tadpole, I don't understand, we haven't done anything to make a firm line between the two major communities in our nation," he said.

"So I'm not an asbun, later when I specifically discuss it as long as Ms. Puan really wants to. The problem is I don't know Ms. Puan or not. If you don't want it, then don't do it, it's okay, but if you want, even though there has been no decision from Mother (Mega , red) Yes, let's walk first and say hello for the water test to see conditions in various western, central and eastern Indonesia," said Effendi emphasized.