Bekasi Village Head Forger Of 1,100 M Land Certificate Sentenced To 8 Months In Prison, Heirs Protest: We Are Disappointed, Feel Trampled!

BEKASI - The head of Taman Rahayu Village, Setu Sub-district, Bekasi Regency, with the initials AW, was sentenced to 8 months in prison following a criminal case of forgery of land certificates.

This demand was read out in the seventh session with the agenda for reading the demands at the Cikarang District Court, Thursday, June 3.

"In addition to the AW village head, local village officials with the initials AR, IF, and SA also demanded 8 months in prison," said Public Prosecutor (JPU) Danang Yudha Prawira after the trial, reported by Antara.

They were charged with violating Article 263 of the Criminal Code related to letter falsification. The claim is based on the facts of the trial, both aggravating and mitigating facts for the defendants.

"The thing that burdens the defendants is that they are disturbing the community and as village officials they should protect the residents," he said.

Danang said Article 263 of the Criminal Code does not mention a minimum threat, but a maximum threat of 6 years in prison.

The family of Novi's heirs are dissatisfied with the prosecutor's demands which are considered too light, considering that the maximum threat for the act in question is a prison sentence of 6 years.

"I want the fairest punishment because we are a small community. Please help those of us who feel trampled and disadvantaged by the village head. He must receive the punishment he deserves," he said.

The masses of the heirs' families who numbered in the dozens looked disappointed when they left the courtroom area. They then continued the action to the Setu District Office.

"We are disappointed because the prosecutor's demands are too light. We ask the local government and the Setu sub-district to deactivate the village head," said Midun.

It is known that the case that dragged the village head along with the village apparatus originated from a land dispute in Serang Village, RT 03/03, Taman Rahayu Village.

The heirs of Ontel bin Teran's family sued the village head over their ownership of 1,100 meters of land which was transferred to Utar bin Elon's name, then transferred to the village using a waqf pledge letter issued by the Setu District KUA.