Not Only In The Stomach, Here Are 6 Types Of Body Fat And How To Lose It

JAKARTA – Fat accumulates in the body due to two factors, poor diet and lack of exercise. Although only two, but determine the level of a person's health. If you ignore one of them, your health will be more vulnerable.

To determine the program to shed, you should recognize the type of fat that accumulates in the 6 body parts below.

Upper body fat

Fat accumulates in the upper body, basically occurs because the portion of overeating along with a lack of movement of the body. For example, you spend a lot of time working at your desk while snacking on less nutritious snacks with more calories.

In addition, moving is an important need to shed fat deposits and build muscle mass. Move for example by exercising regularly or walking.

The solution to dealing with fat accumulates in the upper body is to regulate the portion of food consumed and have to exercise to burn calories. If both are balanced or more intense exercise then fat can be shed.

Fat in the lower abdomen

Fat accumulates in the lower abdomen due to anxiety, stress, or depression. All three conditions produce the hormone cortisol. When the body stimulates the production of cortisol, the lower abdomen will store excess fat.

The first step to rebalancing the production of the hormone cortisol is regular sleep. Live a healthy lifestyle, eat nutritious food, and don't skip exercise.

To deal with the pressure that can trigger anxiety and stress, you can practice breathing to make it more calming. Balance with consumption of foods that lower cortisol such as green tea, chamomile tea, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, and garlic.

Fat on thighs and buttocks

Basically, if the calories you eat are not processed into energy, they will accumulate, including in the thighs and buttocks. So, reduce the number of calories and improve the metabolic system to keep it balanced so that calories are utilized optimally by the body.

In addition, it is recommended to train the muscles of the thighs and buttocks so that the fat pile is shed and tighter.

Belly fat

In contrast to the causes of fat to accumulate in the lower abdomen, fat that causes a distended stomach is lack of sleep, lack of exercise, excessive intake of carbohydrates and processed foods and alcohol consumption.

The solution is easy to understand but needs to be accustomed to a sustainable lifestyle, namely by eliminating bad habits, starting from diet, sleeping patterns, replacing alcoholic beverages with mineral water, and exercising regularly.

Fat accumulates in the lower body

Fat on the legs is usually experienced by people who travel quite often by bus, train, and plane. When sitting for a long time and do not have a wide space to stretch out, the lower part of the body or legs will swell.

This is due to water retention. The solution is to reduce the consumption of salty foods which are responsible for water retention in the body. Drink more water and reduce sitting continuously for more than 30 minutes. That means, give yourself a break every half hour to walk or move your feet.

Fat in the upper abdomen

Still the type of fat around the stomach, the latter piled up at the top of the stomach. The main cause is the body is less active. The only way is to make your body move dynamically and maintain a healthy lifestyle.