Defense Minister Prabowo Calls PT TMI Only Consultants, Not Brokers

JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives Commission I, Effendi Simbolon, revealed the role of PT Indonesia Military Technology (TMI) in the procurement of TNI defense equipment worth Rp. 1,760 trillion.

The disclosure of this role was explained by Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto in a working meeting held behind closed doors in the DPR.

Prabowo, said Effendi, guaranteed that PT TMI would not be a broker but would only be a consultant.

"Earlier he also explained about PT TMI, only to help. It was formed to help the Ministry of Defense conduct studies and so on, but outside TMI also acts as a broker. Yes, he guarantees that no," said Effendi explaining Prabowo's explanation in a meeting at the Commission. I DPR, Wednesday, June 2nd.

Prabowo, he continued, also explained that PT TMI would cooperate with the Indonesian Defense Industry Policy Committee (KKIP). In its duties, PT TMI works as a team of assistance and technology transfer.

"He is only as an assistance team for me to ask for technology transfer. Yes, it is with KKIP. He needs a second opinion instrument," he explained.

In addition, said Effendi, Prabowo also uses PT TMI as a consultant because he is looking for experts who understand defense equipment.

"He said that he was looking for experts who knew the ins and outs of defense equipment, that's why they were gathered there," he said.

Regarding the party's interests in PT TMI so that he was appointed as a consultant, continued Effendi, Prabowo admitted that it was only coincidental that his colleague at Gerindra served as a commissioner at the company.

Prabowo said these Gerindra cadres served as high-ranking PT TMI officials because of their retired military and expert backgrounds.

"We also confirm whether this is only for the interests of certain parties and close colleagues, he said no, it just happens that they are retired experts. So there is no connection," explained Effendi.

As quoted from Koran Tempo, four Gerindra cadres are listed as high-ranking PT TMI officials. Among them, Glenny Kairupan, Yudi Magio Yusuf, Prasetyo Hadi, and Angga Raka Prabowo. Glenny as chairman of the commissioner, the other three as members of the commissioner.