The Witness Of The Social Assistance Corruption Trial Talks About Ihsan Yunus From The Billiards Table

JAKARTA - The witness in the trial of the alleged corruption of social assistance (bansos) at the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) Agustri Yogasmara alias Yogas said the initial introduction to Ihsan Yunus occurred while playing billiards.

Yogas was presented as a witness for the defendants Adi Wahyono and Matheus Joko Santoso. This testimony was delivered when the public prosecutor questioned Yogas about his relationship with Muhamad Rakyan Ikram alias Iman Ikram.

"Where do you know Iman Ikram? Who introduced it to you?" asked the prosecutor during the trial at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 2.

"At that time, I knew Iman Ikram at his brother's house, Iman Ikram, sir," answered Yogas.

"Who's her brother?" said the prosecutor.

"Ihsan Yunus, sir," said Yogas.

Hearing this answer, the prosecutor dug deeper into Yogas's statement. Because, based on several witness statements, it was stated that Yogas was the operator of Ihsan Yunus.

"Where do you know him?" asked the prosecutor.

"At his house (Ihsan Yunus)," said Yogas.

"For what time was it?" asked the prosecutor again.

"I was invited by my friend to billiard at Mr. Ihsan's house," he said.

The prosecutor again detailed his question. Yogas was asked to explain all things related to Ihsan Yunus, including the person who introduced him.

"Which friend of yours did you invite?" asked the prosecutor.

"Agus," said Yogas.

"Agus who? Friends where?" asked the prosecutor.

"A colleague," said Yogas.

"Know about what?" said the prosecutor.

"No, sir, I really don't know where to go and I know that after I got home I met Pak Agus's friend again. Actually it asked 'what is he,' 'Oh, he is a member of the DPR', "said Yogas.