Mahfud MD: Position Is Just A Deposit, One Day It Will Be Taken Back

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said that the position is a deposit that one day can be taken back. Therefore Mahfud reminded officials not to feel they have the position they hold.

He conveyed this in front of rectorate officials and professors during the inauguration of the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of the University, Dr. Soetomo (Unitomo) Surabaya, East Java, Wednesday, June 2.

"A trust is a deposit to be taken back. Something that was entrusted to us and one day it will be taken back by the person who entrusted it," Mahfud said as quoted from his written statement, Wednesday, June 2.

In this activity, Unitomo Surabaya inaugurated the first female rector in the National and Population Campus, namely, Dr Siti Marwiyah SH MH.

In addition, Unitomo also ratified four vice chancellors (warek) including Vice Chancellor I Dr Drs Amirul Mustofa MSi, Deputy Vice Chancellor II Dr Ir Soeyanto MM, Deputy Vice Rector III Drs Sucipto MSi, and Vice Vice Chancellor IV Dr Nur Sayidah MSI Ak. The inauguration ceremony was also attended by the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

Mahfud said that one day the trustee would ask the trustee. Thus, the mandate in the form of this position must be carried out as well as possible.

"Trust is something that is entrusted to us to be conveyed to others, and the custodian will ask whether the deposit has reached its destination," he said.

In addition to congratulating him on his mandate, in closing, the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court also advised all parties to never feel like they have the position they hold.