People Who Sweat More, It Is Recommended To Rinse The Body Instead Of Bathing

JAKARTA – When the air is hot, the sweat glands secrete sweat that floods the body. This is certainly not comfortable especially when on the move. So, what is the solution so that sweat does not wet clothes and cause a musty smell?

Reported by Lifehack, Wednesday, June 2, instead of bathing, people who produce more sweat are advised to rinse the body. That is, there is no need to wash with soap and only rinse the body with either warm or cold water.

Usually, many baths need to be done to get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat. Or you can wash more water after showering. Significant differences can be experienced such as being able to reduce the production of sweat from the sweat glands.

With a bath, everyone can feel the body more refreshed. Even bathing is also done as a relaxing activity when closing the day or after work.

For a pragmatic option to deal with excessive sweating, flushing the body with water can cleanse the excess bacteria hidden in the skin.

If you think that washing yourself is an unpleasant activity, then it is necessary to consider that this activity is necessary. Rinsing only takes a short time. Because rinsing is done to minimize discomfort due to excessive sweat production.

It is recommended that rinsing the body should not take more than three minutes. And avoid soaking too long in the water. In a day, you also don't need to rinse more than twice a day considering the need to save water but need to be the same as bathing a day.

For example, if you are used to bathing twice a day, you need to rinse your body twice as well.

Rinsing the body also needs to be considered as a way to maintain your sweat glands. Because too often bathing can be bad for the skin and using soap can kill good bacteria. The same goes for shampooing, you should only do it when needed.