Former Medan Mayor Rahudman Released From Tanjung Gusta Prison

MEDAN - Former Medan Mayor Rahudman Harahap was released from the Class I Penitentiary (Lapas) Tanjung Gustam Medan, North Sumatra.

Head of Penkum Penkum at the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office, Sumangar Siagian, said that Rahudman was released from the Medan Prison, Monday, May 31, at around 22.30 WIB.

"The execution was carried out by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Central Jakarta District Attorney, led by the Head of Special Prosecutor's Office of the Central Jakarta Kejari," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 1.

Sumanggar stated that the execution was based on the Order of the Head of the Central Jakarta District Attorney Number: Print-458/M.1.0/Fu.1/05/2021 dated May 31, 2021 which carried out the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 341PK/Pid.Sus/2019 dated May 29, 2021 on behalf of Rahudman Harahap.

The verdict stated that the convict Rahudman was proven to have committed the act he was accused of, but it was not a crime. Release the defendant from all legal charges (onslag van alle rechtsvervolnging), ordering the public prosecutor to immediately release the convict from serving his sentence.

Rahudman was acquitted in the alleged corruption case in the transfer of PT KAI's assets on Jalan Jawa Medan covering an area of 7 hectares in 2015, the case which also involved the President Director of PT Arga Citra Kharma (ACK) Handoko Lie, was handled by the Attorney General's Office. In this case, the state suffered a loss of IDR 185 billion.

"The process of releasing the convict Rahudman from Medan Prison was safe, and his family, supporters and relatives also picked him up," said Sumangar.