Tulungagung COVID-19 Task Force Imposing Fine Sanctions "Scoopy Community"

TULUNGAGUNG - The Tulungagung Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force imposed a fine on sponsors of the halal bihalal activity of the Honda Scoopy motorcycle owner community, "Scoops".

The sanction was imposed because Scooprs organized an activity that triggered a crowd at the Senggani Jurang tourist attraction, Tulungagung, East Java.

"Yes, we have fined the event sponsor according to the existing Perbup for violating health protocols," said Head of Regional Regulation Enforcement and Tulungagung Satpol PP Perbup, Artista Nindya Putra, quoted by Antara, Monday, May 31.

Not only sponsors of halal bihalal "Scooprs", Satpol PP also imposed fines on the Senggani Jurang tourism manager for allowing activities that present crowds of residents who are at risk of becoming a cluster of COVID-19 transmission.

The management of the Senggani Jurang tourist attraction was sanctioned with a fine of Rp. 500 thousand, while the sponsor of the Scooprs activity received a larger fine because it was considered responsible for the implementation of the activity that triggered the crowd.

The Satpol also found indications of data manipulation of halal bihalal participants. The reason is, the entrance ticket payment is paid, the value is not proportional to the number of participants who take part in the activity.

The number of participants who took part in this activity was about 300 people. The ticket price plus insurance per person is IDR 5,500.

Not to mention the parking fee per motorbike of IDR 2,000 from more than 200 motorbikes is not paid in full by the activity implementers.

"The contribution to the manager is only IDR 435 thousand," said Secretary of the Senggani Jurang Tourism Awareness Group, Supadi.

Artista or Genot will still call the head of the Scooprs community and the committee, armed with information from sponsors and tourist attractions managers.

Scooprs' side itself can not be confirmed because there is no secretariat or telephone number that can be contacted. It is known that the chairman of this association is named Vargo.

Prior to the implementation of the activity, Scooprs sends an activity notification letter.

Supadi said that Scoopers claimed to have obtained an activity permit from the COVID-19 Handling Task Force. But in fact not a piece of permission bagged. "This is just the notification letter, there is no activity (permit)," he said.