Anies Again Wins WTP Opinion, PDIP: Don't Let The Case Of Overpaying Fire Cars Repeat

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has again won an unqualified opinion (WTP) in the 2020 financial report that was examined by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

Chairman of the PDIP Faction of the DKI DPRD Gembong Warsono congratulated the Governor of DKI Jakarta on winning the consecutive WTPs. However, Gembong warned Anies not to be complacent with the WTP title he got.

Because, even though DKI received WTP last year, it turns out that the BPK found there were budgeting errors such as an overpayment of fire engines of IDR 6.5 billion in the 2019 financial statements.

"Don't get WTP, but in the end there are findings that we didn't expect. Don't be like the damkar case, for example. Already getting WTP, there are findings of returns. I don't think this is appropriate," said Gembong at the DKI DPRD building, Monday, May 31 .

In addition, Gembong also underlined that Anies still has homework (PR) to fix regional assets. Since the beginning, many of DKI's assets have not been recorded.

In fact, some time ago, the Head of the Regional Asset Management Agency (BPAD) Pujiono resigned because he was unable to fix the inventory of assets whose physical properties were not known.

"Until now, it has not produced good asset management. That is our homework. It means that asset management homework must be a priority for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government," said Gembong.

"This asset concerns third party obligations, the rules of which change from year to year. If the rules are not handled properly, it will not be completed. So, there needs to be serious handling of asset management," he continued.

It is known that the WTP title for DKI Jakarta Province is the fourth time that it can be maintained in a row, since 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

WTP opinion is the highest award for accountability in the financial management of a government agency.

"We present this WTP opinion to the entire community and stakeholders of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government as a manifestation of the seriousness of the entire DKI Provincial Government in carrying out accountable government and financial management," Anies said in a plenary meeting at the DKI DPRD Building.

Anies admitted, maintaining the opinion of the WTP during the pandemic is not easy. This is because changes and budget rationalization must be made to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Then, a number of large and sudden needs beyond the previous plan must be addressed. Thus, maintaining the WTP Opinion predicate during the pandemic becomes more challenging.

"Maintaining the WTP is getting more and more difficult every year. Moreover, this time we are faced with a pandemic. Overcoming the pandemic well while keeping the government running prudently is a big challenge," said Anies.

However, the WTP opinion achieved by Anies is not completely perfect. The BPK still provides notes, among others, that the DKI Provincial Government is considered to have not received the excess premium for BPJS Health's dual membership, the obligation to compensate for simple rental flats whose value has been determined but the permit has not been issued.

In addition, records of asset administration in progress have not been optimal in a number of regional work units (SKPD), namely the Land Spatial Planning Agency (CKTRP), the Public Housing and Settlement Areas (PRKP) and the Water Resources (SDA) Office at the service tribe (sub-dept).