Want To Have Smooth And Bright Underarms? This Is The Secret!

JAKARTA - Many women complain about the condition of their dark armpits, rough texture, and so they don't feel confident about wearing sleeveless clothes. Keep in mind that this rough and dark underarm skin can come from sweat glands and hair follicles, which, if not cleaned properly, can lead to a buildup of dead skin and rough skin.

If you find it annoying, you can do the following simple treatments to make your underarms brighter and smoother.

Be careful about shaving

To remove armpit hair, most people choose to shave it. Actually it's safe if done correctly. You should make sure the razor is still in good condition, sharp, and not rusting. Then use a shaving cream to help make the shaving process easier. After shaving, do not immediately apply deodorant. Better to use moisturizer or body lotion.

Underarm skin exfoliation

Not only the face and body that need to be exfoliated, don't miss the armpit area. The reason is, the armpit skin can also experience a buildup of dirt, both from sweat and the rest of the deodorant. It is important to remove dead skin cells by exfoliating so that the skin becomes smooth again. But there's no need to rub harshly either! Choose a scrub with fine grains and do it once a week.

Remove ingrown hair

When you shave your armpits yourself, ingrown hairs usually appear, thick and thick hairs that protrude under the surface of the skin. This can make your underarm skin darker and rougher. If you experience this often, it's better to avoid shaving yourself and try other techniques such as waxing or lasers to remove armpit hair.

rose water mask

To lighten underarm skin at home, you can make your own mask. The ingredients are easy to find and inexpensive. You only need to mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one tablespoon of rose water until thick. Then apply to the underarm skin until smooth and let stand five minutes then rinse with clean water.