Police Allegedly 'Playing' The Export Of 366 Bodong Central Java Vehicles To Timor Leste

JAKARTA - The police are strongly suspected of being involved in the case of the export of hundreds of motorbikes and cars without valid vehicle certificates, aka bulging from Pati, Central Java to Timor Leste.

Central Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi said indications of involvement of police officers were seen through the vehicle documents for export received by the perpetrators.

It is impossible for this document to exist without the interference of the authorities. "Currently, Propam is currently investigating and for the time being there are people suspected of being involved," said Chief of Police Ahmad in Pati, Central Java, as quoted by Antara, Friday, May 28.

Vehicle documents exported from Indonesia must be in a dead position, whether used or new. So, to turn off the vehicle documents, the exporter must come to the authorities.

"So that the STNK and BPKB are reported to the Directorate of Traffic to be turned off, including the origin and so on, only to be exported. This does not exist," he said.

He emphasized that if later there are members who are proven to be playing games and already know that it is a violation, then they will be strictly sanctioned.

Regarding all the hundreds of vehicles, his party will still investigate the suspects because previously it was said that they were obtained from pawning, leasing or other proceeds.

There were 9 suspects in this case with different roles, for example, looking for a vehicle, destroying documents by burning the STNK because there was no BPKB, then they were given a certificate of disposal.

The Central Java Regional Police's Special Criminal Directorate is investigating whether there is any involvement of other parties so that containers containing hundreds of vehicles can escape to Timor Leste.

Meanwhile, regarding the alleged involvement of individuals at the port, the police are still investigating because it involves administration and negligence.

There were 325 units of motorbikes and 41 cars of various brands that were successfully revealed by the Pati Police because they were not equipped with valid vehicle documents.

This vehicle is ready to be exported to Timor Leste via Singapore. Meanwhile, the warehouse where the storage is located is on Jalan Juwana-Pati kilometer 3 in Gadingrejo Village, Juwana District, Pati Regency.

The profit earned by the perpetrators was IDR 1 million for each two-wheeled vehicle unit and IDR 2 million for each four-wheeled unit.