Another Look At Lord Rangga's Unique Terms On YouTube Dedy Corbuzier

JAKARTA - Rangga Sasana, he is a figure of public concern because he claims to be the Secretary General of Sunda Empire. Several times Rangga spoke in public, explaining as if the Sunda Empire did exist.

Rangga was named a suspect by the police along with Nasri Banks who served as prime minister and Raden Ratnaningsrum as Emperor of the Sunda Empire. Not long after, Rangga was released.

Rangga then said he wanted to make a book. In addition, he also wanted the Indonesian government to appoint him to be the Ambassador of the Indonesian Nation. This was revealed by Rangga through his attorney Erwin Syahrudin.

"Father wants to be appointed as the Ambassador of the Indonesian Nation for Humanity and World Peace. And Romo said he could take part in resolving the current national conflicts, for example the KKB in Papua, COVID and the Myanmar Conflict in ASEAN," Erwin said, quoting Kompas, Friday, May 28.

But now Rangga is popular with the nickname Lord Rangga. He is no longer a senior member of the Sunda Empire, Rangga now leads The Prince Rangga Foundation. Rangga said, The Prince Rangga Foundation is a forum or institution to fight with like-minded people who are ready to fight.

This he conveyed on the Deddy Corbuzier Podcast uploaded on YouTube. Still on Deddy Corbuzier's Podcast, Lord Rangga also explained various terms that maybe not many people know. On this occasion, Rangga initially explained that the name "corona" (from COVID-19) came from the sun. Why is that? Following is Rangga's explanation.

"Physically, the sun which is covered by the earth's circular rays is called the corona. The corona is taken from the sun. So the solution is the Sun of Empire," said Rangga.

Lord Rangga's unique terms

From there Rangga began explaining various unique terms. Rangga explained that the Sundanese name also has a meaning. Sundanese comes from the word 'sun' which means sun and 'da' which stands for darul afterlife or the end of time.

"Sundanese is sun, da, darul afterlife, the light of the end of time. The sun that is meant is an eternal fire. That's why it is told that there is a sun in the end of the world. That's a system. Sunda is an eternal fire," said Rangga.

Not only related to the Sunda Empire, Rangga also explained the origin of vehicle plates in Banten and the history of them. Rangga said plate A, which is a vehicle number plate in Banten, stands for American. That said, Banten gave independence to the United States (US).

"Where does America have the mandate? From Sultan Abdul Mufakir. Sultan Ki Ageng Tirtayasa's uncle then proceeded to Sultan Abdul Mufakir to liberate America. That's why Banten has a car series A, America," he said.

Lord Rangga also explained why Jakarta has a vehicle number plate B. This is not because it was colonized by the Dutch, but because Jakarta was colonized by the British (British), therefore it has a plate B.

"Then why is Jakarta plate B? Because it was never colonized by the Dutch. Jakarta was colonized by British and British," he added.

Regarding US independence, Rangga continued to emphasize the origin of US independence from Banten. According to Rangga, a country needs a mandate to be independent. The US independence mandate originated in Banten. From the granting of the mandate for independence, it also produced the name of the country which contained elements of the giver of independence.

"The US (United States / AS) is Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam, Sultan Abdul Mufakhir's Sam, Banten. So America is a country liberated by Banten," explained Rangga.


Through a VOI article entitled Let Us Correct the Historical Errors that Deddy Corbuzier Shows on his YouTube, based on the history we have explored, everything is different from what Rangga stated.

First, the A plate is a legacy of the vehicle plate system created by the British government to divide troops into 26 battalions or units, starting from the letters A to Z. Each unit of the army is then assigned to various different areas. As a marker, vehicles used by British troops were assigned a sign with the combination of the first letter according to the unit.

Second, the title Uncle Sam, according to Rangga Sam, stands for Sultan Abdul Mafakhir Mahmud Abdulkadir, was the fourth King of Banten in the period 1596 to 1647.When he assumed the throne of the Sultanate of Banten, he only established diplomatic relations with neighboring countries, especially the countries. Islam.

Then, Uncle Sam or Uncle Sam is actually a butcher sword from Troy, New York, Samuel Wilson. Wilson often marks his meat shipment boxes with the stamp US, which stands for United States.

However, the soldiers actually joked the abbreviation as Uncle Sam. Long story short, the nickname Uncle Sam was then famous. Moreover, there is a local newspaper that carries a story from Wilson. After that, the nickname became widespread and was accepted as a nickname from the US.

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