Upload Photos Of Alvin Faiz, Larissa Chou: He Is My Biggest Heartbreak

JAKARTA - The trial for the divorce process for the sons of the late Ustaz Arifin Ihlam, Alvin Faiz and Larissa Chou will begin on 2 June. Even though they were separated, both Alvin and Larissa seemed to keep in good communication.

For the sake of Joseph's only son, they did not demonize one another. The reason for their separation was also never shared on social media.

In fact, Larissa still keeps photos of her togetherness. He neatly printed his photo with Alvin Faiz and his son Yusuf. The photo was then uploaded to Instagram with a statement specifically for their son, Yusuf.

"Memories are saved for Yusuf to see when he grows up even though he no longer walks together ... this trip will be the best memory ... without having to go back," Larissa Chou opened on Instagram @larissachou, quoted on Friday, May 28.

"Happy walking towards your goals and I with my goals .. he is my biggest heartbreak to be a new happy beginning Larissa," he added.

Warganet immediately commented on Larissa's upload, who hoped that the two of them could reconcile for the sake of the only son. "Hopefully reconcile. Aamiin," commented netizens.

Unfortunately, the hopes of netizens seem difficult to come true. Alvin confirmed some time ago that he was thinking about divorcing Larissa. Alvin admits that he no longer lives at home with Larissa and will only focus on taking care of his child, Yusuf.

"(Child custody) To Larissa based on collective deliberations, but until whenever I will continue to support and be responsible. Later there will be visits and time sharing too, we have discussed this carefully," said Alvin Faiz via Insta Stories on the @ alvin_411 account.