USB Type-C Cable Will Support Charging Up To 240 Watts

JAKARTA - The charging device via USB Type-C is reportedly undergoing an upgrade. The USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) Group recently announced an upgrade for this connector type.

It is known that smartphones and laptops can currently transmit up to 100 Watts of power through this connector. As of the 2.1 version update, USB Type-C can currently deliver up to 240 Watts of power.

This is a 2.4-fold increase compared to the current speed of only 100 Watts.

Cited from CNET, Friday, May 28, the researchers called this 240W option the Extended Power Range or EPR. It is effectively a change to the USB-PD specs that may have been present in today's fast charging technology.

Interestingly, this connector can be configured up to 5 Ampere with a maximum voltage of 50 Volts. Previously, this connector could only enter a voltage of 20 volts.

In order to be able to run such a large voltage, the cable used must be specific. The connector and cable heads must also have a certain icon to make it easier for users to distinguish them from ordinary cables.

With the presence of power support of up to 240 Watt, laptop manufacturers can easily use this connector on their laptops, especially gaming laptops. Because a gaming laptop can very easily draw up to 200 Watts of power to be able to supply electricity to the components in it.