Violating Petamburan Health Center, Rizieq Shihab And 5 Former FPI Officials Sentenced To 8 Months In Prison

JAKARTA - The defendant Rizieq Shihab and five former officials of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) namely, Haris Ubaidillah, Ahamd Sabri Lubis, Ali Alwi Alatas, Idrus Al-Habsyi, Maman Suryadi were found guilty of violating the health protocol (prokes) in Petamburan. They were sentenced to 8 months in prison.

"Defendant Rizieq, defendant Haris Ubaidillah, defendant Ahamd Sabri Lubis, defendant Ali Alwi Alatas, defendant Idrus Al-Habsyi, defendant Maman Suryadi is imprisoned for 8 months," said chief judge Suparman Nyompa at the East Jakarta District Court, Thursday, May 27th

In making this decision, the panel of judges considered various burdensome and mitigating matters.

For burdensome things, they are considered not supporting government programs in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Meanwhile, for mitigation, the defendants gave honest information to facilitate the trial. They are considered as religious figures so that they can become examples for the community.

With these two factors into consideration, the panel of judges declared Rizieq and the five former FPI officials legally and convincingly violating Article 93 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

"Defendant Rizieq, defendant Haris Ubaidillah, defendant Ahamd Sabri Lubis, defendant Ali Alwi Alatas, defendant Idrus Al-Habsyi, defendant Maman Suryadi have been legally and convincingly proven to have violated health protocols," said Suparman.

Previously, in this case Rizieq Shihab was sentenced to 2 years in prison. Meanwhile, for Haris Ubaidillah, Ahamd Sabri Lubis, Ali Alwi Alatas, Idrus Al-Habsyi, Maman Suryadi were sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year and 6 months.

The defendants incited the crowd to attend the commemoration of the Prophet's birthday and the wedding reception of his daughter in Petamburan on November 14, 2020.

In addition, the defendants and Rizieq Shihab did not care about the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic and instead invited their supporters to continue to attend the event. Thus, this incitement is considered a violation of the quarantine law.