Attending Dharmasanti Trisuci Waisak, Jokowi: Dharma Teachings Are Relevant To The Pandemic Situation

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo attended the commemoration of the Dharmasanti Trisuci Waisak 2565 Buddhist Year held by the Ministry of Religion. Jokowi appeared virtually from the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java.

In his remarks, Jokowi considered Dharma teachings relevant to the current handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Especially, in terms of caring for others and growing awareness of helping one another.

"The sublime points of Dharma teachings are also very relevant to the current pandemic situation, reminding us to continue to walk in the path of goodness, control ourselves from bad behavior, increase concern for others, and help sincerely and sincerely," Jokowi said in the Secretariat Youtube channel. President, Thursday, May 27.

Jokowi appreciated the application of health protocols and simplicity of Buddhists in commemorating the Trisuci Waisak which is still taking place in the current COVID-19 pandemic atmosphere.

"I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Buddhists who continue to apply health protocols, avoid crowds in worship, reduce mobility during holidays, and hold a virtual Trisuci Waisak commemoration," he said.

Jokowi said that obedience to implementing health protocols is a noble religious practice, respecting and respecting fellow human beings, together striving for health blessings.

Jokowi asked that the Trisuci Waisak celebration should be used as a momentum to strengthen commitment to respect the essential meaning of life and life, carry out truthful practices to achieve harmony, and teach dharma as a guide for fulfilling duties and obligations.

"By practicing dharma, Buddhists have the opportunity to regulate their inner balance, glorify the greatness of God the Most Compassionate, glorify the dignity and dignity of humanity as religious people," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, hopes that Indonesian Buddhists will continue to be committed to maintaining a complete balance, listening to each other, training each other in managing skills and overcoming existing differences.

“Dharma truth is a fundamental belief, which must be practiced with great love and compassion for all sentient beings. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration when today, Indonesian Buddhists are determined to practice a moderate religious life, "he explained.