Police Release Gunfire In Solo, Let's Check The Facts!

JAKARTA - Solo police reportedly dispersed the Palestinian defense action by opening fire. This was shared by Masitoh Januar Ali in an upload of his social media page, Facebook.

On the uploaded narration, the concerned wrote, "Gaak panteesss... Paid pake people's money kok work nakut2in People try to find sensations that creative dikit napa.." In fact, the uploader also dragged the name of the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka who had instructed the city to be freed from demonstrations.

"Because Gibran told me. will remove all police chiefs in Solo if during his time as mayor there is a demo action. Gibran banned any demo in Solo."


Is that right? Let's check it out!

In fact, the sound released by the police is not the gunshots but rather the sound of police officers hitting shields or shields being carried.

"To disperse the mob the police made noises such as motorcycle exhausts that were gassed repeatedly until finally participants of the action carried out on Friday, May 21, 2021 retreated westwards," the turnbackhoaks explained as quoted Wednesday, May 25.

Solo Kombes Police Chief Ade Safri Simanjuntak when confirmed had denied it. No shots were fired by police to disperse the action mob.

"It's been technically operational. The point is there was no shooting in the dissolution of the crowd breaking the prokes yesterday. Want to shoot up and on, there's no shots," he said.

The action was disbanded by the police because it was considered to ignore health protocols and potentially spread COVID-19.

Thus, the claim of sounds like gunfire in a Facebook video post is a shot from the police to disperse the mass palestinian martial arts action in Solo is incorrect. The sound comes from police officers hitting shields and the sound of motorcycle exhaust being gassed over and over again.

"It falls into the category of misleading content," turnbackhoaks.