West Aceh Pushes COVID-19, Announces Patient Identity In Mass Media

JAKARTA - The West Aceh District Health Office together with the Government of Aceh will announce the identity, especially the name of COVID-19 patients. This is one of the efforts to suppress the transmission of coronavirus in the area.

"So, if during this time the identity of COVID-19 patients is written initially, in the future their identity will be published through mass media coverage," said Head of West Aceh District Health Office Syarifah Junaidah in Meulaboh, reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 25.

The affirmation he conveyed, after attending a virtual meeting with forkompimda Aceh Barat and Forkompimda Aceh Province in the meeting room of the Regent of West Aceh in Meulaboh.

Earlier in a virtual meeting that took place on Tuesday afternoon, Forkompimda Aceh agreed to publish the identity of COVID-19 patients clearly and no longer contain names in the form of initials, including mentioning the location of the village where the patient resides.

According to Syarifah Junaidah, the publication of the identity of COVID-19 patients is intended so that people around the settlement can know that there are residents in their villages exposed to COVID-19.

So, he said, then the community is expected to be more vigilant and ask to continue to improve health protocols when doing activities outside the home.

In addition, the publication of the name of the patient who was declared positive is also an effort to educate the public that the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is true.

It is also, according to him, as an effort to make the public more alert and aware, so as not to be exposed to COVID-19.

"So, COVID-19 is not a disgrace and there is no need to worry. If people have symptoms of colds, flu or cough, please take medication to the nearest health center in order to get treatment," said Syarifah Junaidah, asserting.

Tag: nusantara kesehatan covid 19 aceh