Ganjar Pranowo Reveals Handling Of COVID-19 Pandemic In Central Java

JAKARTA - The corona pandemic has damaged almost all sides of life. The next concentration is how to control the growth and spread of the COVID-19 virus. Each region has a similar vision and mission in tackling the spread of this virus. In Central Java province, Ganjar Pranowo has his own priorities. What is the handling in Central Java? Let's see the explanation to VOI through a long-distance interview on Monday, May 24.

"Just like other regions, the graph of the spread of the COVID-19 virus is up and down. There's always momentum so that the chart goes up and also the momentum to drop the number of those exposed. It's like Eid just passed", he said.

And facing this annual tradition according to the man who likes to exercise this bike, it was anticipated in advance by him and the ranks. Indeed, there is a ban on homecoming, but still, some try to go home by finding a way for rats for example. And this will result in the risk of transmission of the virus to relatives in the hometown.







Facing this condition, the government, as well as the Central Government responded. "During this pandemic, the activity carried out is the elimination of shelters if anyone is exposed, such as hospitals and treatment rooms. Campaigns and education aimed at realizing the public should not stop. Including justice operations in the framework of law enforcement. No wonder that several actions were taken in Central Java", said Ganjar Pranowo.

Jogo Tonggo

And so far, Ganjar said there is still a program done to overcome the spread of COVID-19 called Jogo Tonggo which means to take care of neighbors. "The most important thing is to move what is there and potential in the community. And this Jogo Tonggo program becomes important to do. This is the empowerment of what is in civil society. Keeping each other in a small scope, namely neighbors", he explained.

In fact, Ganjar still said what he and his ranks apply in Central Java is no different from PPKM (Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities) applied by the central government. As reported by Wikipedia, PMKM is the Government of Indonesia's policy since the beginning of 2021 to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Before the implementation of PPKM, the government had implemented large-scale social restrictions that took place in several regions in Indonesia.

Cooperation between the central government and local governments must be done for the spread of the virus to be controlled. "To overcome COVID-19, cooperation between the central and local governments cannot stop. Education should not stop and those who have been vaccinated do not mean that they already have shields, they still have to adhere to health protocols", said Ganjar Pranowo who never got tired of reminding the public of Central Java to always be vigilant and not saggy to carry out health protocols.