How We Can Know Muhammadiyah As One Of The Most Progressive Organizations In The Country

JAKARTA - One of the most prominent things about Muhammadiyah is its social action. Its founder, Kiai Haji (KH) Ahmad Dahlan even mentioned the concern as the main form of religious people. In his view, religion is not only sufficient in the expertise to understand the texts of scripture, but religion must bring about a high attitude of social care. The concept of "Advanced Islam" was also spelled out into the form of a series of real actions. What is the real path of muhammidyah social struggle?

KH Ahmad Dahlan is famous for upholding social care. That principle became firmer when he led one of the largest Islamic community organizations in Indonesia. According to him, the best way to live is those who care about others. If that's the case, another set of attitudes such as sensitivity in seeing the reality around and solidarity will come together.

As we know, in Islam there is a principle called hablum minallah as a form of love for the creator. While hablum minannas which is a form of love for man. By breathing the values of the Quran, KH Ahmad Dahlan then founded Muhammadiyah.

KH Ahmad Dahlan (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

On those values, Muhammdiyah grew into a reformist-modernist movement. A movement that always struggles to alleviate backwardness and ignorance.

"This is what, then inspired the students and followers in Muhammadiyah established hospitals and orphanages, in addition to modern educational institutions named schools as a solution to overcome the backwardness of Muslims. Qs. al-Ma'un does emphasize the importance of religion while also caring for the poor and poor," ridho Al-Hamdi wrote in the book Paradigm of Muhammadiyah Politics (2020).

The trail of concern brought KH Ahmad Dahlan and the organization he led – Muhammadiyah – to encourage the presence of charitable movements to the poor. Especially, directing equal rights to the poor by encouraging the rich must give the poor, whether it is through sedakah or zakat. Another attitude of Ahmad Dahlan that is reflected in the Muhammadiyah movement is the openness of the Enlightenment (nickname KH Ahmad Dahlan) that can absorb the progress of civilization regardless of nation and religion.

"Various social actions developed, Kiai many inspired the experience of Christian foreigners and citizens of the Netherlands, England, or Portugal. Orphanages, nursing homes, poor homes, hospitals, and modern schools are works inspired by the practice of managing the social and health lives of Christians and Dutch colonial officials," abdul Munir Mulkan wrote in the prologue to the 1st century muhammadiyah book: The Idea of Religious Social Renewal (2010).

"Similarly, the scouting organization Hizbul Wathan which later developed into the Muhammadiyah Youth and autonomous organization of the Muhammadiyah Youth Force," he added.

Muhammadiyah's social movement built mosques (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The social field is the real field of muhammadiyah struggle and devotion. Since its inception on November 18, 1912, Muhammadiyah has been directly involved in action to improve and help the community.  Especially during the colonial period that notabede the lives of the Indonesian people were so miserable.

In that case, Muhammadiyah helped ease the burden of community suffering with various roads and businesses. Collecting children who are displaced because they are left behind by parents is one of them.

For Ahmad Dahlan, the displaced children were looked after. They are also given education as incarnated in the form of orphanages and so on. The displaced child is then trained and educated in order to have a variety of practical skills. Similarly, by increasing the level of public health. Muhammadiyah then established polyclinics, hospitals, and other medical centers.

"The muhammadiyah section that handles this is all called the General Misery Helper (PKU). Please note that this PKU was originally a stand-alone organization. It was founded in 1918 to relieve victims of natural disasters caused by the eruption of Mount Kelud. Finally in 1921, PKU became a special part of Muhammadiyah," as written by M. Nasruddin Anshoriy Ch in Matahari Pembaruan: K.H. Ahmad Dahlan's Track Record (2010).

The presence of PKU in muhammadiyah body is proof that long before Indonesia became independent, this Islamic society had become an independent who cared about the fate of the people who did not have it. PKU movement is increasing rapidly from year to year. Through the 33rd Muktamar Muhammadiyah in 1956, PKU continues to do its business for community development.

Muhammadiyah Central Management from 1937 to 1943 (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Since Indonesia's independence, it has been so. The first Indonesian President Sukarno is known to continue to provide his support to Muhammadiyah to help the government eradicate poverty. The same was done by Sukarno's successor, Suharto. The leader of the New Order (Orba) often gave direction and advice to Muhammadiyah to always remember the teachings of KH. Ahmad Dahlan.

The Smiling General warns that preaching to the poor should be comprehensive, i.e. not just relying on lectures. For, the starving will be difficult to accept religious lessons. The wisdom of the poor needs to be fostered social life, the economy is improved, health is maintained, and in the future only given deep religious study and enlightenment.

"The suggestions of President Suharto are in accordance with muhammadiyah's thinking. One of the factors driving KH. Ahmad Dahlan founded Muhammadiyah, is a sense of concern (concern) to poverty and the dhu'afa, fuqara, and, masakin (poor)," said Sutrisno Kutoyo in Kiai Haji Ahmad Dahlan and Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah (1998).


Tag: ormas kh ahmad dahlan muhammadiyah