Capres 2024 Authority Megawati, PDIP Meet The Ranks Because Someone Started "Dancing" Politics

JAKARTA - Secretary General of PDI Perjuangan Hasto Kristiyanto stressed that his party is still focused on helping President Jokowi, especially regarding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The matter of the 2024 presidential elections confirmed Hasto has not been a discussion.

"PDI Perjuangan affirms that the main concentration of the party today is helping President Jokowi in working together to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic with its various variants, not on the issue of the 2024 presidential elections," Hasto said in a written statement, Monday, May 24.

According to Hasto, many people underestimate the pandemic. But the impact of the pandemic on the economy is very real.

"The attention of all parties to address the economic impact is very important and a top priority," he continued.

Related to 2024, Hasto asserted that the Congress V PDIP gave authority to the Ketum PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri to set the capres-cawapres. Kareenanya party called Hasto is currently tasked to consolidate.

"Party consolidation also concerns aspects of ideology, politics, programs, cadres, and resource consolidation. Consolidation of ideology to make the Indonesian nation stronger with Pancasila in all aspects of national life, so that the future President of the Republic of Indonesia will not be burdened by the issue," said Hasto.

"Keep meeting the ranks considering many parties are already doing political dance for 2024 and don't give anyone from outside the party a chance to break up the power of our party," he continued.

Currently PDIP affirmed Hasto must move with the community.  So that later when the decision is taken related to the 2024 Presidential Election, PDIP solid.

"Continue to move downwards with the people, so that when the political momentum for Ms. Megawati to make a decision, all party cadres have been rooted in the spirit of collectivity for the success of the nation and the state of Indonesia," said Hasto.

Tag: megawati soekarnoputri pdip pilpres 2024