Passengers At Bogor Baranangsiang Terminal Soar After Homecoming Ban

JAKARTA - Since the reopening of intercity and intercity transportation services (AKAP) and Intercity transportation in the province (AKDP) after the homecoming period of May 6 to 17, the number of AKAP passengers in 3 out of 4 Terminal Type A under the management of the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) has increased.

Head of BPTJ Polana B. Pramesti said based on the data on May 18 to 21, 2021 there was an increase in the number of AKAP passenger departures at Bogor Baranangsiang Terminal by 8.87 percent.

"On ordinary days such as in January to March the average per day Baranangsiang Terminal serves about 203 passengers. After the homecoming period, Baranangsiang Terminal is recorded to serve as many as 221 passengers on average per day," he said, in a written statement, Sunday, May 23.

Polana said the increase occurred assuming compared to the average number of passengers in the normal period of January-March 2021.

Polana mentions the most intended destinations are Wonosobo in Central Java and Lampung and Padang in Sumatra. In Bogor Baranangsiang Terminal, there are at least 24 PO operating to serve AKAP.

Then, said Polana, the increase also occurred in Poris Plawad Terminal Tangerang. For users of AKAP services at Poris Plawad Terminal Tangerang, Polana revealed that post-homecoming period also increased by about 74 percent.

"If at normal time on average every day serving passengers about 446 people, then after the homecoming period Poris Plawad Terminal on average serves a total of 776 passengers per day," he explained.

According to Polana, Padang and Madura are the most targeted destinations by AKAP service users through this terminal. For the number of PO in Poris Plawad as many as 78 companies.

Furthermore, for Jatijajar Depok Terminal, Polana said that in January sampao with March, every day the average serving AKAP passengers is about 324 people, while after the end of the homecoming period at least on average per day there are users of AKAP transportation services in this terminal as many as 519 passengers.

"Thus the increase of passengers departing through Jatijajar Depok Terminal in this period is recorded at approximately 60 percent," he said.

Ponorogo, Bojonegoro, Yogyakarta and Pekalongan are the most targeted areas for passengers departing through Jatijajar Depok Terminal. As for the number of PO in Jatiajar Terminal, there are 48 companies.

Meanwhile, especially for Pondok Cabe Terminal, South Tangerang, there is no increase. Polana explained that the average daily passenger throughout January to March compared to the average number of passengers per day after the re-operation of AKAP services after the homecoming period is the same number of 38 passengers every day.

According to Polana, Madura is the most targeted area by service users through this Pondok Cabe Terminal in South Tangerang. For Pondok Cabe Terminal there are at least 26 PO serving AKAP.

Regarding the comparison of AKAP passenger arrivals in the period after the homecoming, Polana explained that for Jatijajar Depok Terminal and Pondok Cabe Terminal, South Tangerang there was no significant difference.

"For Jatijajar Terminal Depok on average every day serves 18 passengers arrival. While Pondok Cabe Terminal is approximately 14 people per day," he explained.

Different for Poris Plawad Tangerang Terminal, Polana said that in normal time there are at least 70 passengers arriving on average every day, while at the time after the end of the homecoming period is recorded down considering there are only an average of about 37 passengers per day.

"Similarly, baranangsiang terminal, in normal times there are an average of 88 passengers every day, while after the homecoming period recorded about 74 passengers who come on average every day through this terminal," said Polana.

GeNose Enforced Randomly

In the post-homecoming period that took place from May 18 to 24, 2021, Polana said that randomly conducted GeNose-C19 tests to passengers who utilize services through terminals under the management of BPTJ.

"Overall from May 18 to 21, 2021, random GeNose tests were conducted on 1,707 passengers," he said.

According to Polana of these, there were 22 passengers who indicated positive symptoms. "For passengers who are indicated positive symptoms we ask to delay the trip and carry out further checks," he said.

Polana said communication to all bus operators related to the implementation of GeNose tests continues to be conducted mainly related to the mechanism of ticket refunds to prospective passengers who indicated positive symptoms.

"Passenger data that indicated positive symptoms was also submitted to parties related to the task force handling COVID-19 in the region as a reference in carrying out the follow-up actions needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19," he said.

In an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19, Polana also asked people who want to mobilize to always enforce health protocols, especially in utilizing mass public transportation services. The implementation of health protocols must be continuously implemented and always maintained properly.

Tag: nusantara transportasi bogor arus balik