Sri Mulyani Asks K/L To Revise Tukin Budget, THR And Salaries Of 13 Civil Servants

JAKARTA - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati asked the ministry/institution (K/L) to revise the 2021 budget related to the allocation of performance allowances (tukin), THR and the 13th salary for civil servants . This revision is in order to save spending in the fiscal year 2021.

The revised request was submitted in his letter numbered: S-408/MK.02/2021 dated May 18, 2021.

In the letter, Sri Mulyani said this step as a follow-up to Government Regulation (PP) Number 63 of 2021 with the amount further regulated by the fiscal authority.

Currently, said Sri, the country is still in a pandemic situation. Meanwhile, to secure the implementation of vaccine procurement and national vaccination programs, the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, the support of social protection budgets to the community and the acceleration of national economic recovery, strategic measures are needed in the form of spending savings K/L in fiscal year 2021.

"To meet the spending needs of the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program, it is necessary to refocus the budget of K/L TA 2021," he said.

Meanwhile, the source of spending savings comes from pure rupiah and non-pure rupiah (BLU) as long as the allocation is intended for the payment of the thr work allowance component and the 13th Salary.

Sri urged K/L to immediately submit proposals for revision of the budget for fiscal year 2021 to the Directorate General of Budget (DJA) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) no later than May 28, 2021.

"In the event that until May 28, 2021, the proposed budget revision is not submitted, it will be blocked by the Ministry of Finance," reads the letter, quoted Friday, May 21.

Sri Mulyani also emphasized that the entire budget revision process in order to save K/L TA 2021 spending is implemented in a transparent, accountable and responsible manner, and avoid corruption, collusion, and nepotism (KKN) in accordance with applicable regulations.

Tag: ekonomi nasional sri mulyani asn kementerian keuangan