South Korea Glass Manufacturers Build Rp5 Trillion Factory In Batang, Bahlil: They Wanted To Be In Malaysia, But I Assure You

JAKARTA - South Korean glass manufacturer KCC Glass Corporation will invest Rp5 trillion to build a factory in Batang Integrated Industrial Estate (KIT), Central Java.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of KCC Glass Corporation Ne-Hwan Kim at the groundbreaking of PT KCC Glass Indonesia in KIT Batang, Central Java, Thursday, May 20, said the Rp5 trillion investment will be made until 2028.

"To expand the scale and production facilities of KCC Glass glass in Indonesia, we invested a total of Rp5 trillion in 2028," he said in a broadcast through BKPM TV's Youtube channel, reported from Antara.

Ne-Hwan Kim said the plant would open jobs to 1,300 people. In addition, it is committed to working with companies in Indonesia to contribute to the local economy.

"Also working with Indonesian companies in various sectors such as product logistics raw materials, production and consumption materials, contributing to the vitalization of the local economy, we will realize the dream of an intelligent and sustainable industrial complex that is the goal of Grand Batang City," he said.

Ne-Hwan Kim added that the factory in Indonesia will be the strongest glass production base in the world.

"Where the two countries, Indonesia and Korea, are united to achieve prosperity and build together," he said.

On the same occasion the Minister of Investment / Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia expressed efforts to be able to get the giant South Korean glass company into Indonesia.

Bahlil said KCC Glass Corporation had actually done a deal with Malaysia. But he was able to convince the company to enter and invest in Indonesia.

"I told the chairman, instead of going to Malaysia, let's go to Indonesia. Southeast Asian markets are in Indonesia. I also said please come bring technology, come bring capital (capital). Because the product is 85 percent export, then please find the market, later we the Government of Indonesia will take care of all permits, take care of the incentives, and will escort until it is finished," said Bahlil Lahadalia.

Finally, bahlil continued, after four flights to South Korea, KCC Glass Corporation decided to invest in KIT Batang.