Support Gotong Royong Vaccination, Bio Farma Prepares 352 Clinics And 17 Hospitals

JAKARTA - The government continues to encourage the acceleration of the national vaccination program through self-vaccination or mutual assistance. To support the acceleration, the government through Bio Farma prepares health care facilities to vaccinate gotong royong.

President Director of PT Bio Farma (Persero) Honesti Basyir said the gotong royong vaccination program will not only be supported by government-owned health care facilities. However, it also involves private parties.

"From the information of fayankes readiness for this gotong royong vaccine we have done some kind of evaluation. Bio Farma prepared 369 fayankes worthy," he said in a hearing meeting with Commission IX of the House of Representatives, Thursday, May 20.

The 369 health care facilitation consists of 352 clinics and there are 17 hospitals. Honesti also said there are about 542 health care facilities that are still in the verification process to be able to serve self-vaccination or mutual assistance.

"Consisting of 244 clinics and 298 hospitals that are in the process of verification, to later be able to help the smoothness of this vaccine gotong royong," he said.

Honesti explained Bio Farma through its subsidiary, Kimia Farma, will distribute to companies that have registered to the chamber of commerce and industry (Kadin) and have already entered into a cooperation contract with Bio Farma.

Then, said Honesti, later the Ministry of Health will issue a price determination and also technical guidance (juknis) for the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination.

"Here is a more detailed flow in which the legal entity will register to the Kadin, then kadin will submit the data to the Ministry of Health related to the company name, number and also the proposed faskesnya," he explained.

Furthermore, said Honesti, the Ministry of Health will coordinate with the local Dinkes to conduct some kind of coordination with faskes-faskes who have obtained the provisions of the requirements to carry out this vaccination activity.

According to Honesti, Bio Farma has partnered with 72 companies. The distributor company consists of private and state-owned enterprises. The 72 companies are considered to have met the principles of good drug distribution methods (CDOB) to ensure and ensure the distribution of vaccines in accordance with the requirements and purposes of their use.

"We have cooperated with distributor partners in all provinces, in total there are 72 partners or distributor companies that have met the requirements," he said.

In its implementation, the distribution process must be IT-based or digital. This step has been done bio farma on the delivery of vaccines to the region during the previous government vaccination. Where, the system is used to monitor the vaccine in a safe condition.

"And it will be integrated into the one-data government program for the completeness of the administration of everyone who has been vaccinated," he said.