Something Went Wrong When The East Jakarta Firefighters Evacuated Vespa Affinis Wasp Nest
JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Fire Brigade should read the thread from the LIPI Twitter account first before evacuating the wasp nest in Pulogadung. The officers should not have used burning techniques to evacuate the ndas (Vespa affinis) nest.
The thread was created @lipiindonesia on 30 November. Not to comment on the actions of the firefighters. However, it can be a reference for other officers when carrying out similar actions.
In the thread, the Head of the Zoology Division of the LIPI Biology Research Center, Cahyo Rahmadi, gave tips on how to move the ndas wasp nests so as not to harm humans. He firmly said, the option to give smoke, never to be taken.
"Don't smoke it because the wasps will run away," said Dr Cahyo.
It is best to move the wasp nests at night. The results of their study, wasps ndas were considered more aggressive during the day. The team on duty is also required to wear special clothes to avoid potential wasp stings.
The trick is to wrap the nest in a thick and strong plastic bag. Then sprayed with ethyl acetate liquid so that the wasps fainted.
It's nothing, a crowd of ndas wasps, which are dominated by female wasps, are very aggressive in hunting their prey with their stingers. The female wasp is in charge of foraging by preying on various types of insects which are usually still larvae. This female wasp was found clustered in the trash looking for fly larvae.
"The male wasp guards the nest and marries the queen. But unfortunately, after marrying the queen, he has to give up his life for the survival of the colony," said Cahyo.
What happened?
The East Jakarta Damkar recently succeeded in removing a wasp nest on a tree branch as high as six meters on Jalan Palad Bulak Baru RT05 RW03 Pulogadung Village, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta. The size of the "Vespa affilis" wasp nest is quite large, around a soccer ball.
Initially, the officer will douse the nest with water spray. However, the height of the branches prevented this option from being implemented. Finally they decided to use the combustion technique.
"The branches do not allow us to climb, so the method of handling them uses burning," said Head of the East Jakarta Damkar Section, Gatot Sulaeman.
SOP, officers still use fire protection clothing. But the difference is, the clothes are covered with pesticide to avoid wasp stings.
One other officer prepares a combustion device using 3 kilograms of LPG gas which is assembled with a hose and a spray device. This technique is called a flamethrower which is directed towards the wasp nest to burn it off the branch.
"This technique is relatively quick and simple. The officers need about 10 minutes to burn the wasp nest," he said.