Android 12 Can Be A Digital Key For Cars

JAKARTA - Yes, you read that right. Soon, the cellphone you are using will have new features added. Namely a digital key for your car. Really sophisticated, right?

At the Google I/O event last Tuesday, the company announced a Digital Lock as a feature of Android 12. Like a physical lock, a Digital Lock can lock, unlock doors, and start a car.

It's just that, there are only a few cellphones that can take advantage of this service, namely the Pixel series and certain Samsung Galaxy. Also, the Digital Key can only be used on the latest models of BMW cars.

Even so, Google hopes that this feature will get a good reception from car manufacturers. So that the Digital Lock feature can be used on more types of cars.

How the Digital Key Works Android 12

Basically, this feature makes use of two types of transmission technology. Namely NFC and Ultra-Wideband (UWB). In a car equipped with an NFC tag, all you have to do is tap the cellphone screen to unlock it. Whereas on mobile with UWB, you need to approach the car if you want to open it.

Indeed, this is not a new and innovative feature in the technology industry. Previously, Apple had introduced a digital lock feature for cars. And the key also works for BMW cars only.

Just like Apple Car Key, Apple's digital lock feature, the same key on Android 12 is also easier to share with friends. In fact, you can 'lend' it to other people via cellphone.

Other Technological Breakthroughs Related to Automobiles

Google seems to be developing a more comprehensive digital ecosystem through its platform. Apart from offering a Digital Lock, Google is also introducing another brand-new technology related to cars.

The company explained that it is increasing the number of cars that support the Android Auto service via a wireless connection. This means that users no longer need to hang themselves with a USB cable if they want to connect an Android cellphone to the car.

Google revealed several car manufacturers that have signed an agreement for this service. Big names that have signed contracts include General Motor, Honda, and Ford. The company plans to increase the number of cars that support wireless connections.

More numbers than Apple CarPlay, a similar feature owned by Apple. Until now, Apple CarPlay only supports a few expensive cars.