Megawati: I Cannot Hear Anyone Arrested For Corruption, Tarnishing The Party

JAKARTA - The Chairwoman of the PDI Perjuangan DPP (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri held a virtual halal bi halal. Megawati spoke of her concern with the decline in community discipline in health protocols, including reminding cadres not to be corrupted.

"Pak Jokowi and I are both concerned about how the discipline of health prokes has decreased. This can be seen during our homecoming", Megawati was quoted as saying in a written statement, Wednesday, May 19.

This was conveyed by Megawati during a virtual halalbihalal with PDIP officials and party wing organizations from all over Indonesia. Megawati told the PDIP board about her meeting with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Jokowi according to Mega went to his residence in Teuku Umar two days ago. Jokowi talked a lot about handling the COVID-19 case, including the existence of people who are still going home for Eid.

For Megawati, the government has acted correctly. Not only working hard to prevent COVID-19, the government, called Megawati, has succeeded in strengthening health centers and hospitals as well as intensifying vaccinations.

"We must not lose discipline as seen in India where its spread is very wide. All cadres and party members must be disciplined and simultaneously help the community and government", said Megawati.

"I myself set an example, obeying the government's decision to maintain the health protocol. I haven't been anywhere for more than 1 year and 3 months”, she added.

Apart from that, Megawati also talked about the issue of stunting, which must receive attention from cadres. The daughter of the proclamator of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Karno, encouraged the board members to actively help increase public awareness of the importance of knowledge of nutrition. So that children are not stunted.

The halal bihalal is carried out dialogically. Megawati repeatedly invited regional officials to speak. Megawati did not seem to have any difficulties in identifying the district / city level officials she was talking to.

Megawati invited a little reminiscence from the early days of his leadership in the party. Including when the party's office was attacked in the New Order regime. Also in the early days, he had to travel around Indonesia and appoint party officials in the sub-districts. For him, such character should not change.

"I cannot bear to hear if anyone is arrested for corruption. It has tarnished the name of the party. You have to remember the adage, tilapia is broken with a pot of milk. That's why not corruption", reminded Megawati.

"The PDI Perjuangan must continue to exist and continue to fly as long as this nation exists", said Megawati while continuing to remind her determination to continue to uphold discipline and the will to work hard. Megawati even mentioned the 2024 victory target.

"Don't be careless. Keep going down. Solid and enthusiastic to work for the people. Continue to strengthen unity because this is a battle over how the Pancasila ideology continues to be the driving force of our struggle", said Megawati.

Megawati continued to emphasize her stance to keep staring at the performance of cadres, especially party officials.

"You said earlier that you are ready. Then, come on. Because I will monitor it. I will evaluate it every year end. From the bottom to the DPP I will. I will evaluate the DPP. Not only the DPD and the DPC. If you do not carry out the Party's orders, it's better to send a letter back, replace it", said Megawati.

"Again, we have to work hard if we want us to win again in 2024", concluded Megawati.

Meanwhile, Secretary General of the PDIP DPP, Hasto Kristiyanto, said Megawati's message in this virtual halal bi halal would continue to be echoed to all party cadres and sympathizers throughout Indonesia.

In particular, regarding the discipline of maintaining the COVID-19 prevention program and the spirit of hard work to win in the elections three times in a row, namely 2014, 2019 and 2024.

"In halal bi halal, I also report how during the month of Ramadan, parties every day as long as they are not fasting, hold sahur and iftar activities by exploring the fire of spirit of the Wali Songo. The party also invites Islamic scholars, figures and scholars to dialogue about Islam as rahmatan. lil alamin", said Hasto.