COVID-19: Australia Begins To Allow Small Inter-citizen Visits

JAKARTA - The Australian government has finally begun to loosen its lockdown policy. This is because this policy is considered effective in curbing the spread of COVID-19.

In line with that, specifically in several states, policy owners have begun to give permission to residents to return to visit beaches that were previously closed due to Covid-19. The government has implemented this policy since Tuesday, April 27.

Launching Reuters, the Australian government has reopened several beaches in Sydney. One of them is Bondi Beach.

Not only that, the Australian government has also allowed the state of New South Wales to allow its citizens to visit each other at home, limited to only two people. This was done as a form of refreshing the rules of staying and working from home to maintain the mental health of its citizens.

"For many people, they have been confined at home for several weeks. And with the exception of exercising, medical needs or buying what they need and going to work. Therefore, many people have been isolated in their homes," said the Prime Minister of New South Wales. Gladys Berejiklian.

On that basis, Berejiklian gave permission to its citizens to visit each other. "Two adults can go and visit anyone on the basis of maintaining everyone's mental health."

Berejiklian also advises those who are unwell, not to make visits until their condition improves. Interestingly, in this policy children are also included to accompany their parents when they visit.

The easing can take place because Australia has implemented a business closure earlier, and issued strict social distancing or physical distancing rules.

In addition, governments in several states have set up COVID-19 testing centers. In fact, it has now been encouraging Australians to get tested, whether they have symptoms or not.

Meanwhile, so far Kangaroo Country has confirmed 6,728 cases of COVID-19 transmission. Among them, there were 86 cases died.