Drug Dealer Killed On The Stairs Of Pontianak Police, His Mouth Is Foaming

JAKARTA - A suspected narcotics dealer with the initials MF (29) was found dead and lying on the steps of the Pontianak Police detention room, after being examined by officers on Wednesday, May 19.

The Pontianak Police Chief, Kombes Leo Joko Triwibowo confirmed the incident. The prisoner from East Pontianak District, Pontianak City, was found dead after being arrested and underwent an examination with a foamy mouth.

"The suspected MF drug dealer was found in a lifeless condition or died on the stairs entering the Pontianak Police narcotics detention room," said Police Chief, Leo Joko, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 19.

Leo explained, from the physical examination, his party did not find any violence in the victim's body. Regarding the incident, the family also refused to carry out an autopsy and chose to be buried immediately on Wednesday afternoon.

"We have submitted MF's body to the family for the funeral today," he said.

On that occasion, Kapolresta Pontianak added, the chronology of the arrest of suspected MF drug traffickers, namely on Sunday, May 16. At that time, personnel from the Pontianak Police arrested MF on suspicion of being a drug dealer in the type of crystal methamphetamine in the Pasar Flamboyan area of Pontianak.

When MF was searched, no evidence was found, but it was indicated that he was under the influence of drugs so he was still taken to be examined at the Pontianak Police Headquarters.

"From the results of the examination and MF's confession, he had just used the narcotic type of crystal methamphetamine at his parents' place in Gang Stabil, East Pontianak Subdistrict, and also admitted that he had used this illegal item since he was a teenager," he said.

He added that MF's new status was suspected because no evidence was found, but he was examined as being under the influence of drugs.

"When we found MF, he was found in his mouth or in a foamy state and we did not find bruises all over his body, so there is a strong suspicion that he was over-dose," said the Pontianak Police Chief.