Ombudsman Calls KPK Leaders After Receiving Complaints TWK 75 KPK Officers? Mokh Najih: We Deepen First

JAKARTA - The report on the alleged maladministration of the National Insight Test (TWK) that 75 KPK employees complained of has been received by the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia. Ombudsman Chairman Mokh Najih promised to follow up on this report.

"So, of course, we will study according to the procedure and authority of the Ombudsman. Later we will take steps. What we are important is how this process can be completed properly," said Najih, Wednesday, May 19.

By resolving this case properly, Najih hopes that it will not cause more uproar in the public. Either 75 KPK employees or KPK leaders as the reported parties can get a solution.

"We hope that this problem can be resolved without being noisy, either. So that all parties get a solution, both in order to improve the quality of corruption eradication," he explained.

Asked further whether the Ombudsman would summon the KPK leadership in this case, Najih answered diplomatically. Subsequent examinations of this report will be handled by the Main Assistant Section VI.

"We will investigate it first because all reports have a mechanism in our process. Because we also do not know the details of the contents of the report regarding the parties we need to examine," he explained.

Including the question of when this report was processed by the Ombudsman. Najih cannot confirm that up to 1-2 days the complaint can be finalized by his party.

"We have a mechanism that cannot be taken 1-2 days," he said.

For information, Decree (SK) Number 652 of 2021 dated May 7, 2021 concerning the Results of the National Insight Test (TWK) for Employees who do not meet the requirements for the transfer of KPK employees to state civil servants (ASN) was protested by 75 KPK employees.

They complained about this to the KPK Dewas. In his statement, there were 3 reasons why these 75 KPK employees complained about their leadership to the KPK Deas. First, about honesty.

"In various socializations, the KPK leadership said that there was no consequence from the National Insight Test, and we also think that assessment is not something that can pass and not pass a thing," said the Head of the KPK Internal Learning Task Force Hotman Tambunan as a representative of 75 employees, in Jakarta, last Tuesday.

The process of changing the status to ASN is the right of KPK employees who will determine the future, so it is only natural that the information provided to employees is correct information. The second reason is the question of the interview test material in the TWK which is odd.

"The second is that we report the leadership to the supervisory board, because this also concerns a matter of concern to our daughters, to our sisters and brothers. We do not want state institutions to be used to do things that are indicated to be sexual harassment in the context of interview test like this, "he also said.

The last reason, said Hotman, was related to the KPK leadership who took arbitrary decisions even though the Constitutional Court had decided that TWK would not give losses to employees.

"Isn't the Constitutional Court's decision a final and binding decision, why doesn't the leadership heed this decision, even issued a decision that is very detrimental to us," said Hotman.