Citizens In Aceh Collect IDR 1.8 Billion To Buy An Ambulance For Palestine

JAKARTA - Across elements of society and students in Bireuen Regency, Aceh, raised donations of up to IDR 1.8 billion to buy an ambulance for Palestine.

"God willing, the presence of an ambulance will certainly help the victims of Zionist attacks", said Bireuen Coordinator for Palestine Anwar Ebtadi who was contacted from Banda Aceh, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 18.

This Palestinian care movement consists of the Bireuen Indonesian Volunteer Society (MRI), the Keuchik Association (village head), the IAI Al-Muslim campus, BEM STIKES Payung Negeri, BKPRMI, PEMA Umuslim, KNPI Bireuen, Karang Taruna, community leaders, and a number of other mass organizations.

Anwar said that the Palestinian people continue to suffer from brutal Israeli attacks. Hundreds of victims died, including children and women.

He said the donations collected reached IDR 1.8 billion for an ambulance with a special specification called a prehospital ambulance.

In the ambulance, surgery can be performed before the patient is admitted to the hospital. The raising was carried out in villages, mosques, crossroads, and shops.

"The ambulance for Palestine will be handed over through the Rapid Response Agency (ACT)", he said.

Anwar said that so far the people of Bireuen have succeeded in raising community awareness several times to help others, which has been channeled through ACT.

"We hope that the people of Bireuen, in particular, will take the opportunity to do this Jariyah charity again to help Palestinian Muslims", said Anwar.

He added that if there are residents who want to donate, this ambulance can also be channeled through the BNI Syariah virtual account 8660291021050072 in the name of Bireuen for Palestine.